android - Passing value from Main Activity to Broadcast Receiver class on button click -
i want pass value mainactivity class broadcast receiver class. coding done in have mention action("android.intent.action.airplane_mode") in manifest file also??
public void broadcastintent(view v){ if(togglebutton.ischecked()){ intent i=new intent("android.intent.action.airplane_mode"); string x="heyo"; i.putextra("xx", x); sendbroadcast(i); }else{ } class x extending broadcastreceiver.... public void onreceive(context context, intent in) { // todo auto-generated method stub in.getextras(); string action=in.getaction(); if(action.equals("android.intent.action.airplane_mode")){ string u=in.getextras().get("xx").tostring(); toast.maketext(context,"hi " +u, toast.length_long).show(); }else{ toast.maketext(context,"intent detected", toast.length_long).show(); } }
use shared preferences. there tutorial that.
public void broadcastintent(view v){ activity activity = (activity) view.getcontext() sharedpreferences sharedpref = activity.getpreferences(context.mode_private); sharedpreferences.editor editor = sharedpref.edit(); editor.putstring("xx",x); editor.commit(); intent i=new intent("android.intent.action.airplane_mode"); sendbroadcast(i); }
and code of broadcastreceiver.
class x extending broadcastreceiver.... public void onreceive(context context, intent in) { sharedpreferences sharedpref = context.getpreferences(context.mode_private); string xx = sharedpref.getstring("xx", ""); }
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