php - Error in configuration Zend Framework 1.12 application.ini -
i'm making simple website have use table db , perform webservice task. nothing complicated. i've taken configuration other projects in root folder , pasted them in configuration, , bootstrap files. application ini following:
[production] phpsettings.display_startup_errors = 0 phpsettings.display_errors = 0 = "europe/rome" includepaths.library = application_path "/../library" bootstrap.path = application_path "/bootstrap.php" bootstrap.class = "bootstrap" appnamespace = "application" resources.frontcontroller.controllerdirectory = application_path "/controllers" resources.frontcontroller.params.displayexceptions = 0 includepaths.library = application_path "/../library" resources.layout.layoutpath = application_path "/layouts/scripts/" ;connessione al db resources.db.adapter = pdo_mssql = "ip" resources.db.params.username = user resources.db.params.password = pwd resources.db.params.dbname = name resources.db.isdefaulttableadapter = true resources.db.params.pdotype = dblib [staging : production] [testing : production] phpsettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpsettings.display_errors = 1 [development : production] phpsettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpsettings.display_errors = 1 resources.frontcontroller.params.displayexceptions = 1 ;resources.db.adapter = pdo_mssql
my bootstrap file following:
<?php class bootstrap extends zend_application_bootstrap_bootstrap { public function _initautoloader(){ zend_loader_autoloader::getinstance()->setfallbackautoloader(true); } public function _initdb(){ $resource = $this->getpluginresource("db"); $db = $resource->getdbadapter(); $db->setfetchmode(zend_db::fetch_obj); zend_db_table_abstract::setdefaultadapter($db); zend_registry::set("db", $db); } }
in controller i'm doing following operation (which working when not connecting db):
class indexcontroller extends zend_controller_action { public function init() { $access_token=$this->getfrontcontroller()->getrequest()->getheader('authorization'); if(isset($access_token)){ $access_token = str_replace ( "bearer ", "", $access_token); $db=zend_registry::get("db"); $token= $db->fetchrow("select * dbo.wsoauth2 atoken='".$access_token."'"); if($token!=false){ //perform action required enter right app $link= $db->fetchrow("select * dbo.wsapp appid='".$token->app_id); header("authorization: bearer ".$access_token); header("location: ".$this->getfrontcontroller()->getbaseurl()."/webservice"); } else { //let other stuff controller take place } } } public function indexaction() { $appid = $this->getrequest()->getparam('appid'); $this->view->appid= $appid; } }
well after long code paste have error show you, deosn't make sense me immagine i'm sissing (i don't use zend framework time obvious am):
fatal error: uncaught exception 'zend_config_exception' message 'section 'development' cannot found in /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/project/application/configs/application.ini'
the section "development" in front of eyes in first code paste.. i'm quite confused. can help?
delete , add spaces again in [development : production]
sometimes happens accident non breaking space u+00a0 in front or after : , zend framework goes nuts. example, on osx pressing alt+space insert non breaking space , won't notice it.
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