javascript - How to put json inner object into another same type of json object -
i have json object below.
var obj = { "_id": "mand-configurations", "server-host": "", "server-port": [1890, 1770, 2070], "server-rest-api-timeout-in-millis": 3020, "server-started": "server started successfuly", "stopped-snmp": "server shutdown", "connection-failed": "connection pgw-server failed", "request-time-out": "pgw-server request time out", "notify-connection-failed-snmp": "connection notification-server failed", "subscription": { "control-data": [ "app", "sp" ], "callback-url": "http://core.sdp:19980/notify", "post-notification": true }, "charging-start-time": "01:00", "charging-schedulers": [ { "scheduler-name": "fifteen", "charging-scheduler-type": "fifteen-days", "initial-delay": 10000, "batch-execution": 10000, "batch-execution-size": 100, "charging-schedules": [ { "charging-model-name": "fixed-fifteen" } ] } ] }
and here copy , change values.
var cpyobj = obj; cpyobj["charging-schedulers"][0]["scheduler-name"] = "some value"
then need update previous obj new cpyobj's values. how can thing.
making changes in "cpyobj" change "obj" because no copying performed. yeah believe don't need anything.
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