C program reversed linked list -
im trying write program in c adds big numbers linked list. used reverse add numbers, cant reverse again. should used several times(iow, looped ask numbers until exit)
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "function.c" int main() { char n1[500]; int lensum, len; printf("welcome! \nthis program performs addition of big whole numbers can contain upto maximum of 500 digits."); printf("\nenter first number: "); scanf("%s", n1); len = strlen(n1); node *root = create(n1[0]); node *head = root; root, head = createlist(n1,root,head,len); root=head; printf("enter second number: "); scanf("%s", n1); len = strlen(n1); node *root2 = create(n1[0]); node *head2 = root2; root2, head2 = createlist(n1,root2,head2,len); root2=head2; root=head; printf("\nyour first number is:\t "); while(root!=null){ printf("%d\t",root->digit); root=root->next; } root2=head2; printf("\nyour second number is: "); while(root2!=null){ printf("%d\t",root2->digit); root2=root2->next; } printf("\ncalculating sum:\n"); root=head; root2=head2; node *sum = create('0'); node *headsum = sum; sum,headsum = addintegers(root, root2, sum, headsum); printf("\nthe sum : "); sum=headsum; while(sum->next!=null){ printf("%d",sum->digit); sum=sum->next; } printf("\n"); sum = headsum; printf("\nthe number "); saveresult(sum); printf("has been saved in file 'results.txt'\n"); root, head = reverselinkedlist(sum, headsum); printdigit(root); root=head; printf("\n\n\t "); while(root!=null){ printf("%d\t",root->digit); root=root->next; } free(root); free(root2); //free(sumdigit);// return 0; }
#ifndef function.h #define function.h typedef struct node { int digit; struct node *next; }node; node* create(char digit); node* createlist(char number[500], node* root,node* head, int length); node* addintegers(node* root, node* root2, node* sum, node* headsum); #endif
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "function.h" node* createlist(char number[500], node* root,node* head, int length){ int i; i=0; for(i=1;i<=length-1;i++) { root = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); root->digit = number[i]-'0'; root->next = head; head = root; } return root, head; } void printdigit(node* root){ while(root!=null){ printf("%d",root->digit); root=root->next; } } node* addintegers(node* root, node* root2, node* sum, node* headsum){ int carry = 0; int sumdigit = 0; while((root!=null || root2!=null)) { if (root==null || root2==null){ if (root == null){ sumdigit=root2->digit +carry; root2=root2->next; goto add;} if (root2 == null){ sumdigit = root->digit + carry; root=root->next; goto add; } } else{ sumdigit = root->digit + root2-> digit + carry; } root2 = root2->next; root = root->next; add: sum = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); sum->digit = sumdigit%10; sum->next = headsum; headsum = sum; if (sumdigit > 9){ carry = 1;} else{ carry = 0; } } if (carry == 1){ sum = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); sum->digit = 1; sum->next = headsum; headsum = sum; } return sum, headsum; } node* create(char digit) { node *root = (node *) malloc( sizeof(node)); if (root == null){ printf("error\n"); exit(1); } root->digit = digit-'0'; root->next = null; //default null return root; } void saveresult(struct node *sum) { file * fp = fopen ("result.txt", "w+"); while(sum->next != null) { printf("%d", sum->digit); fprintf(fp, "%d", sum->digit); sum = sum->next; } fclose(fp); printf(" "); } node* reverselinkedlist(node *root, node* head){ node* reversed = create(root->digit); node* reversedtail = reversed; while(root!=null){ //printf("%d", root->digit); root = root->next; reversed->digit = root; reversed->next =head->next; reversed = reversed->next; head = root; } reversed = reversedtail; return reversed, reversedtail; }
as question not specific issue you're facing, below points taken care,
in function reverse()
return reversed, reversedtail;
return reversedtail
you trying call function main()
root, head = reverselinkedlist(sum, headsum);
again head
return values. incorrect. should using assignment 1 member @ time.
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