perl - XLSX parsing using Spreadsheet::XLSX -

i have script parsing xls like:

$parser = spreadsheet::parseexcel->new(                                      cellhandler => sub {$self->handle_cell(@_) },                                      notsetcell  => 1                                         ); 

now modifying parse xlsx file , seems xlsx file not take parameters in new()

and handle_cell function, sheet_index , workbook ,

$worksheet = $workbook->worksheet($sheet_index);  $worksheet->row_range(); 

i want give parameters cellhandler , notsetcell spreadsheet::xlsx also. came know spreadsheet::xlsx doen't take parameters. have other perl module acts same spreadsheet::parseexcel parsing xlsx?

please me in this. there other perl module parsing xlsx passing arguments new()?

there's project started @ github: excel-reader-xlsx. isn't fancy works.


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