ember.js - bind-attr with Controller property -

consider following code:

handlebars template:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="items">     <div {{bind-attr class="isarchiveactive:active"}}>         highlighted if archived item active.     </div>     <ul class="archived-items">         {{#each}}             <li {{bind-attr class="isactive:active"}}>                 <button {{action "activate" this}}>activate</button>                 <button {{action "deactivate" this}}>deactivate</button>             </li>         {{/each}}     </ul> </script> 


app.itemscontroller = ember.arraycontroller.extend({     actions: {         activate: function(item) {             item.set('isactive', true);         },         deactivate: function(item) {             item.set('isactive', false);         }     },     isactive: false,     isarchiveactive: function() {         var items = this.filterby('isarchived', true).filterby('isactive', true);         return items.length > 0;     } }); 


app.item = ds.model.extend({     title: ds.attr('string'),     isarchived: ds.attr('boolean') });  app.item.fixtures = [{     id: 1,     title: 'geometry',     isarchived: true }]; 

currently, when code runs, bind-attr inside {{#each}} blocks update active class correctly when toggling "activate" , "deactivate" buttons. however, bind-attr outside works onload , not update dynamically.

is there way bind controller attributes , have update on fly.

fixed code(demo css, templates etc. - emberjs.jsbin.com). have make controller.isarchiveactive computed property reacts on item.isactive property changes:

isarchiveactive: function() {     var items = this.filterby('isarchived', true).filterby('isactive', true);     return items.length > 0; }.property('model.@each.isactive') 

full app.js code(i needed write more code test it, have different routes etc.):

app = ember.application.create();  app.store = ds.store.extend({   adapter: ds.fixtureadapter });  app.router.map(function() {   this.route('items'); });  app.item = ds.model.extend({     title: ds.attr('string'),     isarchived: ds.attr('boolean') });  app.item.fixtures = [{     id: 1,     title: 'geometry',     isarchived: true }, {     id: 2,     title: 'anotherarchived',     isarchived: true }, {     id: 3,     title: 'somethingothernotarchived',     isarchived: false }];  app.itemsroute = ember.route.extend({     model: function() {         return this.store.find('item');     } });  app.itemscontroller = ember.arraycontroller.extend({     actions: {         activate: function(item) {             item.set('isactive', true);         },         deactivate: function(item) {             item.set('isactive', false);         }     },     isactive: false,     isarchiveactive: function() {         var items = this.filterby('isarchived', true).filterby('isactive', true);         return items.length > 0;     }.property('model.@each.isactive') }); 


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