JSON decode with PHP PDO -

i have json string, , want decode string php array , add database, when try call part of array dont anything:

<?php $json = '{"zoom":13,"tilt":0,"maptypeid":"hybrid","center":{"lat":45.38591280296377,"lng":19.936323169799834},"overlays":[{"type":"polygon","title":"polje 1","content":"vojvodina","fillcolor":"#ffbf1a","fillopacity":0.3,"strokecolor":"#000","strokeopacity":0.8,"strokeweight":3,"paths":[[{"lat":"45.37867863632308","lng":"19.948768615722656"},{"lat":"45.370719925928746","lng":"19.941558837890625"},{"lat":"45.36227764550136","lng":"19.92816925048828"},{"lat":"45.359262240003495","lng":"19.942245483398438"},{"lat":"45.35588479505299","lng":"19.955806732177734"},{"lat":"45.35974471568275","lng":"19.958553314208984"},{"lat":"45.36312193024184","lng":"19.959583282470703"},{"lat":"45.365534102931655","lng":"19.960613250732422"},{"lat":"45.36529289029106","lng":"19.96490478515625"},{"lat":"45.37084052080666","lng":"19.970226287841797"}]]}]}'; $arr = (json_decode($json, true)); echo $arr['paths']; ?> 

so why cant print $arr['paths'] ???

because array , can't echo right way.. should make use of print_r


output :

array (     [0] => array         (             [0] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.37867863632308                     [lng] => 19.948768615722656                 )              [1] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.370719925928746                     [lng] => 19.941558837890625                 )              [2] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.36227764550136                     [lng] => 19.92816925048828                 )              [3] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.359262240003495                     [lng] => 19.942245483398438                 )              [4] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.35588479505299                     [lng] => 19.955806732177734                 )              [5] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.35974471568275                     [lng] => 19.958553314208984                 )              [6] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.36312193024184                     [lng] => 19.959583282470703                 )              [7] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.365534102931655                     [lng] => 19.960613250732422                 )              [8] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.36529289029106                     [lng] => 19.96490478515625                 )              [9] => array                 (                     [lat] => 45.37084052080666                     [lng] => 19.970226287841797                 )          )  ) 


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