javascript - Change the content images randomly -

i want randomly show photos on home page on div id=content , div id=content-right. i've used function document.getelementbyid('content-right'); make grab div content-right img unable change photos on div randomly. assistance appreciated.

    here html:     <body>       <div id="header">     <ul>     <div id="wrapper">       <li class="logo"></li>       <li>homes</li>       <li>offices</li>       <li>products</li>       <li></li>       <li></li>       </div>     </ul>      </div>     <div id="center">     <div id="slider">       <ul class="slides">         <input type="radio" name="radio-btn" id="img-1" checked />         <li class="slide-container">           <div class="slide">           <img src="" />         <p class="text"> beta</p><p class="subtext">welcome</p>             </div>         <div class="nav">           <label for="img-6" class="prev">&#x2039;</label>           <label for="img-2" class="next">&#x203a;</label>          </div>          </li>          <input type="radio" name="radio-btn" id="img-2" />         <li class="slide-container">             <div class="slide">               <img src="" />             <p class="text"> beta</p><p class="subtext">welcome</p>             </div>         <div class="nav">           <label for="img-1" class="prev">&#x2039;</label>           <label for="img-3" class="next">&#x203a;</label>             </div>         </li>          <input type="radio" name="radio-btn" id="img-3" />         <li class="slide-container">             <div class="slide">               <img src="" />               <p class="text"> beta</p><p class="subtext">welcome</p>             </div>             <div class="nav">                 <label for="img-2" class="prev">&#x2039;</label>                 <label for="img-4" class="next">&#x203a;</label>             </div>         </li>          <input type="radio" name="radio-btn" id="img-4" />         <li class="slide-container">             <div class="slide">               <img src="" />            <p class="text"> beta</p><p class="subtext">welcome</p>     </div>             <div class="nav">                 <label for="img-3" class="prev">&#x2039;</label>                 <label for="img-5" class="next">&#x203a;</label>             </div>         </li>          <input type="radio" name="radio-btn" id="img-5" />         <li class="slide-container">             <div class="slide">               <img src="" />            <p class="text"> beta</p><p class="subtext">welcome</p>             </div>             <div class="nav">                 <label for="img-4" class="prev">&#x2039;</label>                 <label for="img-6" class="next">&#x203a;</label>             </div>         </li>          <input type="radio" name="radio-btn" id="img-6" />         <li class="slide-container">             <div class="slide">               <img src="" />               <p class="text"> beta</p><p class="subtext">welcome</p>             </div>             <div class="nav">                 <label for="img-5" class="prev">&#x2039;</label>                 <label for="img-1" class="next">&#x203a;</label>             </div>         </li>          <li class="nav-dots">           <label for="img-1" class="nav-dot" id="img-dot-1"></label>           <label for="img-2" class="nav-dot" id="img-dot-2"></label>           <label for="img-3" class="nav-dot" id="img-dot-3"></label>           <label for="img-4" class="nav-dot" id="img-dot-4"></label>           <label for="img-5" class="nav-dot" id="img-dot-5"></label>           <label for="img-6" class="nav-dot" id="img-dot-6"></label>         </li>     </ul>     </div>      <div id="sidebar">      <ul>     <p>ads</p>       <li><img src=""> </li>       <p>ads</p>     <li><img src=""> </li>     <p>ads</p>     <li><img src=""> </li>     <p>ads</p>       <li><img src=""> </li>       <p>ads</p>       <li><img src=""> </li>       <p>ads</p>        </ul>       </div>      <div id="content-right">        <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>        <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>          <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>         <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>          <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>        <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>        <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>        <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>        <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>           </div>        <div id="content">       <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>         <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>         <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>         <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>          <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>         <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>         <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>            <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>        <img src="" class="floatleft">     <h4>bombay sapphire <br />distilled <br />london dry gin</h4><p class="width">the images contained within paragraph tag.</p>              </div>         </div>         <div id="footer">     <h2></h2>     <div id="footercontent">      <ul class="footer1">     <li>about us</li>     <li>about us</li>     <li>about us</li>     <li>about us</li>     <li>about us</li>     <li>about us</li>     </ul>      <ul class="footer2">     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     </ul>      <ul class="footer3">     <li>vision</li>     <li>vision</li>     <li>vision</li>     <li>vision</li>     <li>vision</li>     <li>vision</li>     </ul>      <ul class="footer5">     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     </ul>      <ul class="footer4">     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     <li>mission</li>     </ul>        </div><!-----footer content------------------------>      </div><!-----footer------------------------------->     <div id='footercopy'>      <p>copyright 2014 &nbsp<a href="">netsolutions technologies</a></p>      </div>         <div id="img">      <img src="">      </div>       </body>     </html>        here css:      html,body       {       height:100%;       }       body       {       font-family: 'open sans condensed', sans-serif;       }       h1       {       font-size:30px;       }       #img       {        position: fixed;          top: -50%;          left: -50%;          width: 200%;          height: 200%;       }       #img img       {        position: absolute;          top: 0;          left: 0;          right: 0;          bottom: 0;          margin: auto;          min-width: 50%;         min-height: 50%;       }       #center       {       position:relative;       z-index:10;       top:0;       background:white;       width:960px;       margin-right:auto;       margin-left:auto;       min-height:1000px;       padding:20px;       }       #header       {       position:relative;       z-index:20;       color:white;       position:fixed;       top:0;       width:1700px;       margin-right:auto;       margin-left:-10px;       background:silver;       opacity:0.7;       }       #wrapper       {       width:960px;       margin-right:auto;       margin-left:auto;       }       #header li       {       display:inline;       padding-right:20px;       }       .logo       {       font-family: 'lobster', cursive;       font-size:30px;       color:blue;       }       /*slider*/         @import url(;            .slides {         width:960px;         padding-right:65px;         height:420px;         display: block;         position: relative;         z-index:11;         }          .slides * {             user-select: none;             -ms-user-select: none;             -moz-user-select: none;             -khtml-user-select: none;             -webkit-user-select: none;             -webkit-touch-callout: none;         }          .slides input { display: none; }          .slide-container { display: block; }          .text{          background:silver;          text-align:center;          opacity:0.7;          width:30%;   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-moz-transition: .7s ease-in-out;             -webkit-transition: .7s ease-in-out;         }          .slide img {         margin-right:auto;         width:960px;         margin-left:-83px;         margin-top:-10px;         height:110%;         text-align:center;          }          .nav label {             width: 100px;              display:none;             position: absolute;             margin-left:-35px;             margin-right:110px;             padding:auto;              opacity: 0;             z-index: 9;             cursor: pointer;              transition: opacity .2s;             -moz-transition: opacity .2s;             -webkit-transition: opacity .2s;              color:black;             font-size: 100px;             text-align: center;             line-height: 380px;             font-family: "varela round", sans-serif;             background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);             text-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgb(119, 119, 119);         }          .slide:hover + .nav label { opacity: 0.5; }          .nav label:hover { opacity: 1; }          .nav .next { right: 0; }           input:checked + .slide-container  .slide {             opacity: 1;              transform: scale(1);             -moz-transform: scale(1);             -webkit-transform: scale(1);              transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;             -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;             -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;         }          input:checked + .slide-container .nav label { display: block; }          .nav-dots {             width: 960px;             bottom: 0px;           height: 1px;           display: block;           position: absolute;           text-align:center;         }          .nav-dots .nav-dot {           top: -5px;           width: 11px;           height: 11px;            position: relative;           border-radius: 100%;           display: inline-block;           background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);         }          .nav-dots .nav-dot:hover {           cursor: pointer;           background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);         }          input#img-1:checked ~ .nav-dots label#img-dot-1,         input#img-2:checked ~ .nav-dots label#img-dot-2,         input#img-3:checked ~ .nav-dots label#img-dot-3,         input#img-4:checked ~ .nav-dots label#img-dot-4,         input#img-5:checked ~ .nav-dots label#img-dot-5,         input#img-6:checked ~ .nav-dots label#img-dot-6 {           background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);           }        /*content*/       #content       {       padding-top:80px;       width:500px;       }       .floatleft        {        float:left;       margin: 4px;         }       .floatright        {        float: right;        margin: 4px;        }       #content img       {       width:100px;       height:100px;       padding:20px;       }       .width       {       width:250px;       padding:10px 30px;       }       #sidebar       {       margin-top:50px;       float:right;       min-height:1500px;       text-align:center;       }       #sidebar img       {       width:150px;       height:150px;       }       #sidebar li       {       list-style:none;       padding:10px;        }       #content-right       {       padding-top:80px;       width:450px;       float:right;       }       #content-right img       {       width:100px;       height:100px;       padding:20px;       }       #footer       {        position:relative;        z-index:100;        left:-10px;        width:1700px;        clear:both;        background:black;         margin-top:-23px;        min-height:300px;        margin-right:auto;        margin-left:auto;        text-align:center;        overflow:hidden;        opacity:0.7;        color:white;        font-family: 'lato', sans-serif;       }       #footercontent       {       width:1024px;       font-weight:20px;       margin-right:auto;       margin-left:auto;       color:white;       font-family: 'lato', sans-serif;       }       .footer1        {       float:left;       list-style:none;       padding-right:100px;       }       .footer2        {       float:left;       list-style:none;       padding-right:100px;       }       .footer3        {       float:left;       list-style:none;       padding-right:100px;       }       .footer4        {       float:left;       list-style:none;       padding-right:100px;       }       .footer5       {       float:left;       list-style:none;       padding-right:100px;       }        #footercopy       {       position:relative;       z-index:100;       position:fixed;       left:0;       bottom:0;       opacity:0.7;       background:silver;       color:white;       text-align:center;       padding:20px;       margin-bottom:-10px;       width:1700px;       margin-left:-10px;       font-family: 'lato', sans-serif;       }       #footercopy       {       text-decoration:none;       color:white;       }       #footercopy a:hover       {       color:blue;       text-decoration:underline;       }       here javascript:  //javascript: //  //you can increase images adding more links array    var array = ['','','']; function shuffle(array) { var currentindex = array.length; var temporaryvalue; var randomindex;   while (0 !== currentindex) {     randomindex = math.floor(math.random() * currentindex);     currentindex -= 1;     temporaryvalue = array[currentindex];     array[currentindex] = array[randomindex];     array[randomindex] = temporaryvalue;   }   return array; } var shuffled_images = shuffle(array); var yourbackground = document.getelementbyid('content-right'); = 'url(' + shuffled_images[0] + ')' ; 

you have select element using class. below :

var shuffled_images = shuffle(array); var content_right =   document.getelementbyid('content-right'); var yourbackground =  content_right.getelementsbyclassname('floatleft');  for(i=0;i<=yourbackground.length;i++){    yourbackground[i].src =  shuffled_images  ;  } 

working demo

may helps ..


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