javascript - ExtJS 4.2 Grid Header doesn't show correctly in IE -
the purpose of following code popup window contains 2 column grid. works fine in safari , firefox fails show in ie 8 , ie 10 (which our customers insist on using). in ie, 3rd hidden column not hidden, cover 1st column instead.
i use default css of extjs 4.2, matter?
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/extjs-">
and here javascript:
ext.define('base.lov_4_2', { extend: 'ext.form.triggerfield', defaultautocreate : {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "16",style:"cursor:default;", autocomplete: "off"} ,triggercls: 'x-form-search-trigger' ,lovtitle: '' ,view: {} ,window:null ,windowconfig: {} ,showlov: function() { this.renderwindow();; } ,onrender: function(ct, position){, ct, position); this.renderwindow(); } , ontriggerclick: function(e){ this.showlov(); return false; } , renderwindow: function(){ this.windowconfig = ext.apply(this.windowconfig, { title: this.lovtitle ,width: this.lovwidth ,height: this.lovheight ,modal: true ,closable: true ,closeaction:'hide' ,items: this.view },{shadow: false, frame: false, frameheader: false}); if(!this.window){ this.window = ext.create('ext.window.window', this.windowconfig); this.window.on('beforeclose', function(){ this.window.hide(); }, this); } } }); ext.define('lovfield.lov_com_scr0010_4_2', { extend: "base.lov_4_2", lovtitle:'', triggercls: 'x-form-search-trigger' ,initcomponent: function() { ext.apply(this, { lovtitle:this.lovtitle ,view: ext.create('ext.grid.panel', { store: new{ id:"storelov_com_scr0010", proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: this.url, method: 'post', reader: { root:"list", totalproperty:"count" }, actionmethods: { create: 'post', read: 'post', update: 'post', destroy: 'post' } }, fields:[{name:"code",type:"string"} ,{name:"descr",type:"string"} ,{name:"person_sn",type:"string"} ] }), columns: { items:[ {id:'code',text:'id',width:80,dataindex:'code'} ,{id:'descr',text:'name',width:100,dataindex:'descr'} ,{id:'person_sn',text:'person_sn',width:80,dataindex:'person_sn',hidden:true} ] } }) ,datacomponentname:"lov_com_scr0010" ,lovwidth:300 ,lovheight:300 }); lovfield.lov_com_scr0010_4_2.superclass.initcomponent.apply(this, arguments); }, onrender:function() { lovfield.lov_com_scr0010_4_2.superclass.onrender.apply(this, arguments); } }); ext.onready(function(){ var querypanel = ext.create('ext.form.panel', { id: querypanel, frame: true, border: true, bodypadding: 5, renderto: ext.getbody(), width: '100%', anchor: '20%', fielddefaults: { labelalign: 'left' }, items: [{ layout:'column', basecls:'', border:false, items:[{ width:250, layout: 'form', labelalign:'left', border: false, margin:'0 10 0 10', bodystyle: {background: 'transparent'}, items: [ new lovfield.lov_com_scr0010_4_2({ xtype: "lov_com_scr0010_4_2", lovtitle:'query', fieldmapping: [{column:"descr",field:"query_name"} ,{column:"person_sn",field:"person_sn"} ], selectonfocus:true, name:"query_name", id:"query_name", fieldlabel:"name" }) ,{ xtype: 'hidden', name: 'person_sn', id: 'person_sn' } ] }] }] }); });
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