How to change spring security oauth2 default token endpoint? -

we have spring security oauth2 based application. every thing working fine. failed change default token endpoint "/oauth/token" "/external/oauth/token".

my spring-servlet.xml

<http pattern="/external/oauth/token" create-session="stateless"         authentication-manager-ref="clientauthenticationmanager"        use-expressions="true" xmlns="">       <intercept-url pattern="/external/oauth/token" access="isfullyauthenticated()" />       <anonymous enabled="false" />       <http-basic entry-point-ref="clientauthenticationentrypoint" />       <!-- include if need authenticate clients via request parameters -->       <custom-filter ref="clientcredentialstokenendpointfilter" after="basic_auth_filter" />       <access-denied-handler ref="oauthaccessdeniedhandler"/> </http>  <oauth:authorization-server client-details-service-ref="clientdetails"          token-services-ref="tokenservices"          user-approval-handler-ref="userapprovalhandler" token-endpoint-url="/external/oauth/token">         <oauth:authorization-code />         <oauth:implicit />         <oauth:refresh-token />         <oauth:client-credentials />         <oauth:password /> </oauth:authorization-server> 

but result when access endpoint is

{     error: "unauthorized"     error_description: "an authentication object not found in securitycontext" } 

am missing thing ? please suggest.

with version 2.0.5.release or above of spring-security-oauth2

in 1 line in java based configuration, tested , works fine, somehow it's overriding requestmapping value of tokenendpoint class.

@configuration @enableauthorizationserver protected static class authorizationserverconfiguration extends authorizationserverconfigureradapter {                @override         public void configure(authorizationserverendpointsconfigurer endpoints) throws exception {             endpoints                 .pathmapping("/oauth/token", "<your custom endpoint>")         } } 


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