ios - show record timer while making video -

i had implemented concept of avcapturesession recording video.

-(void)startrecordingwithorientation:(avcapturevideoorientation)videoorientation  {      avcaptureconnection *videoconnection = [avcamutilities                                               connectionwithmediatype:avmediatypevideo                                              fromconnections:[[self moviefileoutput] connections]];     if ([videoconnection isvideoorientationsupported])         [videoconnection setvideoorientation:videoorientation];      [[self moviefileoutput] startrecordingtooutputfileurl:[self outputfileurl]       recordingdelegate:self];  }  

it recording video recording timer in not there on screen. has idea how show timer while making video.

thanks in advance.

i use add uilabel view presented video while recording , use code show record time

@property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet uilabel *labeltime;  @property(nonatomic, strong) nstimer *timer; @property(nonatomic) int timesec; @property(nonatomic) int timemin; 

//method start recording

- (void)startrecord {     self.timemin = 0;     self.timesec = 0;      //string format 00:00     nsstring* timenow = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%02d:%02d", self.timemin, self.timesec];     //display on label     //[timelabel setstringvalue:timenow];     self.labeltime.text= timenow;      self.timer = [nstimer scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(timertick:) userinfo:nil repeats:yes];     [[nsrunloop currentrunloop] addtimer:self.timer formode:nsdefaultrunloopmode];      //start recording     [moviefileoutput startrecordingtooutputfileurl:outputurl recordingdelegate:self];  }   //event called every time nstimer ticks. - (void)timertick:(nstimer *)timer {     self.timesec++;     if (self.timesec == 60)     {         self.timesec = 0;         self.timemin++;     }     //string format 00:00     nsstring* timenow = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%02d:%02d", self.timemin, self.timesec];     //display on label     self.labeltime.text= timenow; } 


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