knitr - xtable R - can't get rid of decimal places -
i have looked @ other answers on subject can't seem work - trying not show decimal places in output table keep appearing. using knitr:
{r cyclist_proportions, echo=false, results='asis', warning=false} print(xtable(cyclist_proportions), digits=c(0,0), type='html', include.rownames=false)
the values numeric:
'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables: $ percentage of casualties cyclists: num 7 8 8 9 10 $ year : num 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
i did try digits=c(0,0,0) in case needed allow rownames made no difference - values have 2 decimal places.
thank answers, both helped me solve it. mixing arguments of xtable , print.xtable.
so in script file have
cyclist_proportionstab <- xtable(cyclist_proportions) digits(cyclist_proportionstab) <- 0
and in r markdown file
```{r cyclist_proportions, echo=false, results='asis', warning=false} print.xtable(cyclist_proportionstab, include.rownames = false, type='html') ```
which works
i use
summtab <- xtable(summdf, caption = "number of obs other variable") names(summtab)<-c("categorical var", "n obs", "per cent") digits(summtab)[3] <- 0 print(summtab, include.rownames = false, booktabs = true, sanitize.text.function = identity)
for making nice tables of dataframes, [3] counter-intuitively indexes second column of dataframe.
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