c# - WPF binding to a Usercontrol and getting an error -

im starting wpf, sorry if cant explain well, , have hours trying solve how bind collection custom grid named pagingdatagrid.

the pagingdatagrid in customersearchcontrol binding griditems itemssource, when excecute searchcommand griditems gets updated nothing else changes.

i following error:

system.windows.data error: 40 : bindingexpression path error: 'griditems' property not found on 'object' ''pagingdatagridviewmodel' (hashcode=54151655)'. bindingexpression:path=griditems; dataitem='pagingdatagridviewmodel' (hashcode=54151655); target element 'pagingdatagrid' (name='me'); target property 'itemssource' (type 'ienumerable') 


<usercontrol x:class="namespace.customersearchcontrol"              ... >     <control.datacontext>         <binding path="customersearchviewmodel" ... />     </control.datacontext>     <dockpanel lastchildfill="true">         <groupbox header="registros">             <controls:pagingdatagrid itemssource="{binding griditems}" height="300" />         </groupbox>     </dockpanel> </usercontrol>   public class customersearchviewmodel : viewmodelbase {     public observablecollection<griditem> griditems{ get; set; }     public icommand searchcommand { get; set; }      public customersearchviewmodel()     {         griditems = new observablecollection<griditem>();         searchcommand = new relaycommand(searchentities, () => true);     } } 


<usercontrol x:class="namespace.pagingdatagrid" x:name="me"              ... >     <usercontrol.datacontext>         <binding path="pagingdatagridviewmodel" ... />     </usercontrol.datacontext>     <grid>        ...         <xcdg:datagridcontrol              itemssource="{binding elementname=me, path=itemssource}" grid.row="0"/>     </grid> </usercontrol>   public partial class pagingdatagrid : usercontrol {     public static readonly dependencyproperty itemssourceproperty         = dependencyproperty.register("itemssource", typeof(ienumerable), typeof(pagingdatagrid),         new propertymetadata(default(ienumerable)));      public ienumerable itemssource     {         { return (ienumerable)getvalue(itemssourceproperty); }         set { setvalue(itemssourceproperty, value); }     } } 

you need declare instance of customersearchviewmodel in xaml , bind datacontext.

this how it:

<usercontrol.datacontext>    <local:customersearchviewmodel/> </usercontrol.datacontext> 

make sure declare namespace local @ root i.e. @ usercontrol:

xmlns:local="clr-namespace:wpfapplication" <-- replace wpfapplication                                              actual namespace of viewmodel. 

not needed since getting instance servicelocator.

and binding griditems need bind explicitly customersearchcontrol datacontext using relativesource. needed because have explicitly set datacontext on pagingdatagrid pagingdatagridviewmodel. so, search griditems property in pagingdatagridviewmodel instead of customersearchviewmodel.

<controls:pagingdatagrid itemssource="{binding datacontext.griditems,             relativesource={relativesource mode=findancestor,                                 ancestortype=usercontrol}}"/> 

or can give x:name customersearchcontrol , bind using elementname.


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