android - Proguard Returned With Error Code 1 Without Any Specific Information -

i have problem proguard, have tried many possible solutions still not solve problem.

the information console is

proguard returned error code 1. see console 

nothing more, bad error message ever met.

i have set


and nothing in proguard-project.txt believe couple of comments.

# enable proguard in project, edit # define proguard.config property described in file. # # add project specific proguard rules here. # default, flags in file appended flags specified # in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt # can edit include path , order changing proguard # include property in # # more details, see #  # add project specific keep options here:  # if project uses webview js, uncomment following # , specify qualified class name javascript interface # class: #-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview { #   public *; #} # configuration file proguard. # 

after couples of hours finding solution, found solution. moved proguard.jar directory there no space in path, edited proguard.bat in /bin folder directory. eventually, proguard running fine , give me error log expected.

sample script.

@echo off  rem start-up script proguard -- free class file shrinker, optimizer, rem obfuscator, , preverifier java bytecode.  rem change current directory , drive script is, avoid rem issues directories containing whitespaces. cd /d %~dp0  if exist "%proguard_home%" goto home set proguard_home=.. :home  java -jar c:\bin\proguard.jar %* 


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