matlab - ArrayFun with multiple input -
i have problem while using arrayfun in matlab. have vector of angles , want avoid for loop
, apply:
rmatrix1 = arrayfun(... @(x) anglesloop(iblade, iradius, jradius, ifrequency, x, rot), ... angles, 'uniformoutput', false);
where iblade = 1
, iradius = 1
, jradius = 1
, ifrequency = 1
, rot = 0.5
the function looks like:
%% angles loop function rmatrix = anglesloop(iblade, iradius, jradius, ifrequency, angles, rot) global frequency blade fshifted =(frequency(ifrequency)-angles*rot); s11 = kaimal(fshifted); s22 = s11; r = distance(iradius,jradius,angles); aux = (3/(2*pi)).*coherence(r).*exp(-1i*angles*ifrequency*blade(iblade)/3); rmatrix = (sqrt(s11).*sqrt(s22).*aux.*exp(1i*2*pi.*angles.*1/3)); end
with subfunctions
%% distance coherence function function r=distance(x1,x2,theta) r = sqrt(x1^2+x2^2- 2*x1*x2*cos(theta)); end
%% coherence function gamma=coherence(r) global frequency v10 l1 if r==0 gamma=1; else gamma=exp(-12.*sqrt((frequency.*r./v10).^2+(0.12.*r./l1).^2)); end
the problem when apply anglesloop
function in arrayfun
obtain cell of 64 different arrays whereas should obtain vector of 64 angles length. rmatrix1 should vector of 64 elements. can give me recommendation?
i think problem you're asking 'uniformoutput', false
causes return cell
array. need concatenate contents of cell array, can cell2mat
. here's simpler example. i've got row vector, , i'm applying function turns each element 2x2 matrix. want end of these small matrices concatenated together.
rowvector = 1:5; myfcn = @(x) [x, -x; -x, x]; separatematricescell = arrayfun(myfcn, rowvector, 'uniformoutput', false); concatenatedmatrices = cell2mat(separatematricescell)
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