javascript - Adding Handler to Document event change the scope to document in Sencha Touch -
my problem when adding listener document click event, inside handler scope set document object, not able access method defined inside container object.
ext.define('myapp.view.controlpanel.controlpanel', { extend: 'ext.container', alias: "widget.controlpanel", requires: [ 'ext.segmentedbutton' ], config: { layout: { pack:'stretch' }, docked:'bottom' }, documentclickhandler:function(){ console.log('document clicked'); //here throw exception, because here document object not container object var settinglistcontainer = this.down("#setting-list-container"); if (settinglistcontainer) { this.remove(settinglistcontainer, true); }, onsegmenttoggled: function (container, button, pressed) { console.log("toggle event"); var index = container.getitems().indexof(button); if (index == 0) { if (pressed) { container.setpressedbuttons(); var settinglistcontainer = this.down("#setting-list-container"); if (settinglistcontainer) { this.remove(settinglistcontainer, true); // close nav touching partial off-screen content } } } else { var settinglistcontainer = this.down("#setting-list-container"); if (settinglistcontainer) { this.remove(settinglistcontainer, true); } else if (pressed) { var existinglist = ext.componentquery.query('settinglist')[0]; if (existinglist) { this.add(existinglist); //this , how added listener document click event document.addeventlistener('click',this.documentclickhandler, false); } else { this.add({ xtype: "settinglist", height: '349px', sorthandler: this.config.sorthandler, segmentcontrol: container }); //this , how added listener document click event document.addeventlistener('click',this.documentclickhandler, false); } } } }, listeners: [ { delegate: "#control-segment-button", event: 'toggle', fn: 'onsegmenttoggled' } ], initialize: function () { //ext.require(""); var segmentedbutton = ext.create('ext.segmentedbutton', { layout: { type: 'hbox', pack: 'center', align: 'stretchmax' }, docked: 'bottom', id:'control-segment-button', allowmultiple: false, allowdepress: true, config: { flex: 1 }, items: [ { iconcls: 'time', width: '50%', cls:'palin-segment', style:"border-radius:0px" }, { iconcls: 'settings', width: '50%', cls: 'palin-segment', style: "border-radius:0px" } ] }); this.add(segmentedbutton); } });
well, think should work sencha components , create owns. work mvc on sencha touch pretty easy. (just tip)
now question, can change scope using bind change scope.
so code this:
document.addeventlistener('click',this.documentclickhandler.bind(this), false);
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