r - strange result with shortest.path in igraph -

i have small connected network obtained with:

m<-induced.subgraph(g, v(g)[village=="sar"]) 

here's summary, 6 nodes , 30 links, connected directed network:

igraph dnwb 6 30 --  attr: id (v/n), name (v/c), village (v/c), religion (v/c), adoption.lag (v/n), type (v/c), shape (v/c), size (v/n), color (v/c), dist (v/n), dist.sar (v/n), weight (e/n) 

when run this, got surprising result:

>shortest.paths(m)                    b         c         d         e         f          0         3         3         3         3         3 b          3         0         3         3         3         3 c          3         3         0         3         3         3 d          3         3         3         0         3         3 e          3         3         3         3         0         3 f          3         3         3         3         3         0 

the network directed, 6 nodes , 30 links every node linked else: shouldn't shortest paths values 1? comments.

the reason links weighted, , no matter if shortest.paths(g) set default weights=null, have:

> e(g)$weight<-1 > shortest.paths(g, v(g)[village=="rudakali"], to=v(g)[village=="rudakali"],weights=null)                      b         c          d           e          f           0          1         1          1           1          1 b           1          0         1          1           1          1 c           1          1         0          1           1          1 d           1          1         1          0           1          1 e           1          1         1          1           0          1 f           1          1         1          1           1          0 > e(g)$weight<-10 > shortest.paths(g, v(g)[village=="rudakali"], to=v(g)[village=="rudakali"],weights=null)                      b         c          d           e          f           0         10        10         10          10         10 b          10          0        10         10          10         10 c          10         10         0         10          10         10 d          10         10        10          0          10         10 e          10         10        10         10           0         10 f          10         10        10         10          10          0 

edit after gabor comment: rid of edge weights, correct code be, in case:

shortest.paths(g, v(g)[village=="rudakali"], to=v(g)[village=="rudakali"],weights=na) 


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