web services - Linq data fetch in wcf test client -

here query :

select *  menu 

i using wcf web services , have created local database.

i want return data using linq , show table's data in wcf client.

can me function?

here code :

namespace crossdine {     // note: can use "rename" command on "refactor" menu change class name "service1" in code, svc , config file together.     // note: in order launch wcf test client testing service, please select service1.svc or service1.svc.cs @ solution explorer , start debugging.     public class service1 : iservice1     {         string connectionstring = ...;         sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(connectionstring);          public string getdata(int value)         {             return string.format("you entered: {0}", value);         }          public compositetype getdatausingdatacontract(compositetype composite)         {             if (composite == null)             {                 throw new argumentnullexception("composite");             }             if (composite.boolvalue)             {                 composite.stringvalue += "suffix";             }             return composite;         }          public datatable getmenu()         {            datatable datatab = null;             sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("select * menu",con);            con.open();             sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(cmd);             da.fill(datatab);             return datatab;         }     } } 

here instead of datatable want use linq return data.


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