.net - Notify multiple background workers with a property change C# -
i have global variable called: string tweet;
i run several background workers, nothing wait on value change of tweet
variable. run function called: processtweet( object sender, mycustomeventargs args )
my question best way handle property changed event background workers, , later process results based on tweet value , argument passed processtweet
i tried take @ inotifypropertychanged
not sure how handle onvaluechange
event each background worker. run same processtweet
function once or each background worker run instance of function?
private itweet _lasttweet; public itweet lasttweet { { return this._lasttweet; } set { this._lasttweet = value; } }
still not sure how handle property change event best way ^
and below rest of code
private void bgworker_dowork(object sender, doworkeventargs e) { mycustomclass mycustomclass = e.argument mycustomclass; //here want listen on lasttweet value change event , handle } list<backgroundworker> listofbgworkers = new list<backgroundworker>(); private backgroundworker createbackgroundworker() { backgroundworker bgworker = new backgroundworker(); //add dowork etc.. bgworker.dowork += new system.componentmodel.doworkeventhandler(bgworker_dowork); return bgworker; } private void buttonstart_click(object sender, eventargs e) { (int = 0; < 10; i++) { //create background workers var bgworker = createbackgroundworker(); listofbgworkers.add(bgworker); //get mycustomclass value; var mycustomclass = somefunction(); bgworker.runworkerasync(mycustomclass); } }
ok - here's small console app demonstrates think you're trying do.
- it creates 'source of tweets' in thread.
- you can subscribe 'source' , notified when new tweet 'arrives'.
- you create tweethandlers have internal queues of tweets process
- you subscribe these tweethandlers source
- when new tweet arrives, added queues of all tweethandlers event subscription
- the tweethandlers set run in own tasks. each tweethandler has own delegate performing customizable action on tweet.
the code follows:
interface itweet { object somedata { get; } } class tweet : itweet { public object somedata { get; set; } } class tweetsource { public event action<itweet> newtweetevent = delegate { }; private task tweetsourcetask; public void start() { tweetsourcetask = new taskfactory().startnew(createtweetsforever); } private void createtweetsforever() { while (true) { thread.sleep(1000); var tweet = new tweet{ somedata = guid.newguid().tostring() }; newtweetevent(tweet); } } } class tweethandler { public tweethandler(action<itweet> handletweet) { handletweet = handletweet; } public void addtweettoqueue(itweet tweet) { queueoftweets.add(tweet); } public void handletweets(cancellationtoken token) { itweet item; while (queueoftweets.trytake(out item, -1, token)) { handletweet(item); } } private blockingcollection<itweet> queueoftweets = new blockingcollection<itweet>(); private action<itweet> handletweet; } class program { static void main(string[] args) { var handler1 = new tweethandler(tweethandlemethod1); var handler2 = new tweethandler(tweethandlemethod2); var source = new tweetsource(); source.newtweetevent += handler1.addtweettoqueue; source.newtweetevent += handler2.addtweettoqueue; // start task threads (2 of them)! var tokensource = new cancellationtokensource(); var token = tokensource.token; var taskfactory = new taskfactory(token); var task1 = taskfactory.startnew(() => handler1.handletweets(token)); var task2 = taskfactory.startnew(() => handler2.handletweets(token)); // fire source source.start(); thread.sleep(10000); tokensource.cancel(); } static void tweethandlemethod1(itweet tweet) { console.writeline("did action 1 on tweet {0}", tweet.somedata); } static void tweethandlemethod2(itweet tweet) { console.writeline("did action 2 on tweet {0}", tweet.somedata); } }
the output looks this:
did action 2 on tweet 892dd6c1-392c-4dad-8708-ca8c6e180907 did action 1 on tweet 892dd6c1-392c-4dad-8708-ca8c6e180907 did action 2 on tweet 8bf97417-5511-4301-86db-3ff561d53f49 did action 1 on tweet 8bf97417-5511-4301-86db-3ff561d53f49 did action 2 on tweet 9c902b1f-cfab-4839-8bb0-cc21dfa301d5
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