jsf 2 - <h:commandButton> not working inside <ui:define> -

i created facelet template called loginregistertemplate.xhtml. when use in template client , place in it, method in managed bean not invoked. without template button working fine. why happening?

    <ui:composition template="resources/css/faceletstemplates/loginregistertemplate.xhtml">         <ui:define name="top">             login page         </ui:define>         <ui:define name="content">             <div align="center">                 <h:panelgrid columns="3" columnclasses="rightalign,leftalign,leftalign">                      <h:outputlabel value="username:" for="username"/>                     <h:inputtext id="username" label="username" required="true" value="#{loginbean.username}" />                     <h:message for="username" />                      <h:outputlabel value="password:" for="password"/>                     <h:inputtext id="password" label="password" required="true" value="#{loginbean.password}" />                     <h:message for="password" />                 </h:panelgrid><br/>                  <h:button value="back home" outcome="home"/>                 <h:commandbutton id="login" value="login" action="#{loginbean.dologin}"/>             </div>         </ui:define>     </ui:composition> </h:body> 

the simple <h:button> next it, on other side, working fine.

here body of template file:

<h:body>     <div id="top">         <ui:insert name="top">top</ui:insert>     </div>     <div id="content" class="center_content">         <ui:insert name="content">content</ui:insert>     </div> </h:body> 

i have looked here: h:commandlink / h:commandbutton not being invoked couldn't find problem causes that.


why h:commandbutton not working?

your problem number 1 in answer have checked.

uicommand , uiinput components must placed inside uiform component, e.g. <h:form>.

why h:button working ?

from h:button docs:

render html "input" element of type "button". value of component rendered button text , outcome of component used determine target url activated onclick.

so ...

jsf put h:button outcome value in javascript function executed @ onclick event. execute action of h:commandbutton on form submit post method, there should form submit.


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