c# - Compressing a bitmap with Run Length Encoding [RLE] using GDI+ -

i tried lot searching on google before posting question here. want compress 8bpp bitmap using rle [run length encoding] compression in win forms application.
of results found vc++ code, can perform compression using gdi+ ? gdi+ provide such classes or methods ?
found 1 link on msdn doesn't helped much.

also, tried write below code using "system.drawing.imaging.encoder" output image
has same size.

private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     bitmap mybitmap;     imagecodecinfo myimagecodecinfo;     encoder myencoder;     encoderparameter myencoderparameter;     encoderparameters myencoderparameters;      // create bitmap object based on bmp file.     mybitmap = new bitmap("d:\\8bppimage.bmp");      // imagecodecinfo object represents bmp codec.     myimagecodecinfo = getencoderinfo("image/bmp");      // create encoder object based on guid      // compression parameter category.     myencoder = encoder.compression;      // create encoderparameters object.      myencoderparameters = new encoderparameters(1);      myencoderparameter = new encoderparameter(         myencoder,(long)encodervalue.compressionrle);      myencoderparameters.param[0] = myencoderparameter;      mybitmap.save("d:\\encoderimg.bmp", myimagecodecinfo, myencoderparameters);  }  private static imagecodecinfo getencoderinfo(string mimetype) {     int j;     imagecodecinfo[] encoders;     encoders = imagecodecinfo.getimageencoders();     (j = 0; j < encoders.length; ++j)     {         if (encoders[j].mimetype == mimetype)             return encoders[j];     }     return null; } 

am missing ? can me ?

i've submitted answer compressing 8bpp images in c# using rle on question: how compress image run-length encoding using c#?

i believe attempting not work because encodervalue.compressionrle applies .tiff images.

here code used perform compression:

    private enum compression     {         // others not necessary 8bpp compression, left reference         //bi_rgb = 0x0000,         bi_rle8 = 0x0001,         //bi_rle4 = 0x0002,         //bi_bitfields = 0x0003,         //bi_jpeg = 0x0004,         //bi_png = 0x0005,         //bi_cmyk = 0x000b,         //bi_cmykrle8 = 0x000c,         //bi_cmykrle4 = 0x000d     }      private enum bitcount     {         // others not necessary 8bpp compression, left reference         //undefined = (ushort)0x0000,         //twocolors = (ushort)0x0001,         //max16colors = (ushort)0x0004,         max256colors = (ushort)0x0008,         //max32kbcolors = (ushort)0x0010,         //max16mbcolors = (ushort)0x0018,         //max16mbcolors_compressed = (ushort)0x0020     }      private struct rlecompressedbmpheader     {         // before headersize technically not part of header (it's not included in headersize calculation)          /// <summary>         /// size of .bmp file.         /// header size (40), plus palette size, plus image size, plus pre-header size (14);         /// </summary>         public uint size;          /// <summary>         /// offset start of image data in bytes start of file         /// </summary>         public uint offset;          /// <summary>         /// size of header in bytes. (always 40)         /// </summary>         public uint headersize; // 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4          /// <summary>         /// width of bitmap in pixels         /// </summary>         public int width;          /// <summary>         /// height of bitmap in pixels         /// </summary>         public int height;          /// <summary>         /// number of planes (layers). 1.         /// </summary>         public ushort planes;         /// <summary>         /// number of bits define each pixel , maximum number of colors         /// </summary>         public bitcount bitcount;          /// <summary>         /// defines compression mode of bitmap.         /// </summary>         public compression compression;          /// <summary>         /// size, in bytes, of image.         /// </summary>         public uint imagesize;          // these shouldn't important         public uint xpixelspermeter;         public uint ypixelspermeter;          /// <summary>         /// number of indexes in color table used bitmap.         /// <para>0 - use max available</para>         /// <para>if bitcount less 16, number of colors used bitmap</para>         /// <para>if bitcount 16 or greater, specifies size of color table used optimize performance of system palette.</para>         /// </summary>         public uint colorused;          /// <summary>         /// number of color indexes required displaying bitmap. 0 means color indexes required.         /// </summary>         public uint colorimportant;          public byte[] tobytes()         {             var swap = bitconverter.islittleendian;             var result = new list<byte>();              result.addrange(new byte[] { 0x42, 0x4d }); // signature (bm)             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(size));             result.addrange(new byte[4]); // reserved             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(offset));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(headersize));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(width));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(height));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(planes));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes((ushort)bitcount));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes((uint)compression));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(imagesize));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(xpixelspermeter));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(ypixelspermeter));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(colorused));             result.addrange(bitconverter.getbytes(colorimportant));              return result.toarray();         }     }      public unsafe byte[] runlengthencodebitmap(bitmap bmp)     {         if (bmp.pixelformat != pixelformat.format8bppindexed) { throw new argumentexception("the image must in 8bppindexed pixelformat", "bmp"); }          var data = bmp.lockbits(new rectangle(0, 0, bmp.width, bmp.height), imagelockmode.readonly, pixelformat.format8bppindexed);         list<byte> result = new list<byte>();          // actual rle algorithm. bottom of image first stored row, start bottom.         (var rowindex = bmp.height - 1; rowindex >= 0; rowindex--)         {             byte? storedpixel = null;             var curpixelrepititions = 0;             var imagerow = (byte*)data.scan0.topointer() + (rowindex * data.stride);             (var pixelindex = 0; pixelindex < bmp.width; pixelindex++)             {                 var curpixel = imagerow[pixelindex];                 if (!storedpixel.hasvalue)                 {                     curpixelrepititions = 1;                     storedpixel = curpixel;                 }                 else if (storedpixel.value != curpixel || curpixelrepititions == 255)                 {                     result.add(convert.tobyte(curpixelrepititions));                     result.add(storedpixel.value);                     curpixelrepititions = 1;                     storedpixel = curpixel;                 }                 else                 {                     curpixelrepititions++;                 }             }              if (curpixelrepititions > 0)             {                 result.add(convert.tobyte(curpixelrepititions));                 result.add(storedpixel.value);             }              if (rowindex == 0)             {                 // eof flag                 result.add(0x00);                 result.add(0x01);             }             else             {                 // end of line flag                 result.add(0x00);                 result.add(0x00);             }         }          bmp.unlockbits(data);          var palettesize = (uint)bmp.palette.entries.length * 4;         var header = new rlecompressedbmpheader();         header.headersize = 40;         header.size = header.headersize + palettesize + (uint)result.count + 14;         header.offset = header.headersize + 14 + palettesize; // total header size + palette size         header.width = bmp.width;         header.height = bmp.height;         header.planes = 1;         header.bitcount = bitcount.max256colors;         // far can tell, pixelspermeter not terribly important         header.xpixelspermeter = 0x10000000;         header.ypixelspermeter = 0x10000000;         header.compression = compression.bi_rle8;         header.colorused = 256;         header.colorimportant = 0; // use available colors         header.imagesize = header.headersize + (uint)result.count;          var headerbytes = header.tobytes();         var palettebytes = convertpalettetobytes(bmp.palette);          return headerbytes.concat(palettebytes).concat(result).toarray();     }      private byte[] convertpalettetobytes(colorpalette colorpalette)     {         return colorpalette.entries.selectmany(c => new byte[]             {                 c.b,                 c.g,                 c.r,                 0             }).toarray();     } 


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