Drag and drop rows in a jqgrid -

i new jqgrid. trying drag & drop option rows in jqgrid. have tried fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/qezhr/298/ lot valuable suggestions. have tried jquery("#mytable").griddnd(); , with

i having same problem looked example.

made few changes , seems work.

include: jquery ui.js base jquery drag , drop code is. include: jquery.tablednd.js

move dnd call , sortable rows calls after create grid.

working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/netroworx/6wmm7/

$(document).ready(function() {     jquery("#mytable").jqgrid({       datatype:"clientside",       data:[ {"number": 1, "segment":"first", "name": "chap0"},              {"number": 2, "segment":"second",  "name": "chap1"},              {"number": 3, "segment":"third",  "name": "chap2"},            ],       colnames:['chapter name', 'chapter number', 'document segment'],       colmodel:[               {name:'name'},               {name:'number', sorttype:'number'},               {name:'segment'},               ],       autowidth:true,       height:'200',       sortname: 'number',       viewrecords: true,       caption: 'my first grid',       altrows:true    });     jquery("#mytable").sortablerows();       jquery("#mytable").jqgrid('griddnd');          }); 


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