clojure - How do I store and retrieve friend roles in a SQL database? -

i'm not sure how store friend roles in database. can either store string "#{::user}" or store "user" , transform on retrieval. former bad juju , i'm unsure how latter without making angels cry.

(ns foo.handler   (:require [cemerick.friend :as friend]         (cemerick.friend [workflows :as workflows]                          [credentials :as creds])))  ;; dummy in-memory user "database" (def users {"root" {:username "root"                     :password (creds/hash-bcrypt "admin")                     :roles #{::admin}}             "jane" {:username "jane"                     :password (creds/hash-bcrypt "pw")                     :roles #{::user}}})  (derive ::admin ::user) 

this how i'm doing it; i'm sure it's sorts of bad. please stop me. starting "user" extracted database:

foo.handler> #{(keyword (str *ns* "/" "user"))} => #{:foo.handler/user} 


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