c# - How to send email using threading when new record in inserted before return a data ? how to achieve that -

i need send email concern employee when ever complain posted against him.in insertion record inserted , same details returned user .

i want send email using threading in c# that,i created email method don't know how use it.


 public string insert(string context)     {         sam_erpentities entities = new sam_erpentities();         dynamic list = utility.desearlizejson(context);         int userid = new base().userid;           int departmentid = utility.intval(list["departmentid"]);          empcomplaint.complainttypeid = utility.intval(list["complainttypeid"]);         empcomplaint.complaintstatusid = utility.intval(list["complaintstatusid"]);         empcomplaint.departmentid = utility.intval(list["departmentid"]);         empcomplaint.complaintsubject = utility.strval(list["complaintsubject"]);         empcomplaint.complaintnotes = utility.strval(list["complaintnotes"]);         empcomplaint.createdby = utility.intval(new base().employeeid(userid));         empcomplaint.applicantemployeeid = utility.intval(new base().employeeid(userid));         empcomplaint.approveremployeeid = utility.intval(new base().departmentsupervisorid(empcomplaint.departmentid));         empcomplaint.createddate = datetime.now;         empcomplaint.isactive = true;          entities.addtoempcomplaints(empcomplaint);         entities.savechanges();           deliverables _deliverables = new deliverables();         _deliverables.notifycomplaintdepartment(departmentid, empcomplaint.complaintid);            var inserteddate = c in entities.empcomplaints                            join e in entities.employees on c.applicantemployeeid equals e.employeeid                            join e1 in entities.employees on c.applicantemployeeid equals e1.employeeid                            join ct in entities.empcomplainttypes on c.complainttypeid equals ct.complainttypeid                            join d in entities.empdepartments on c.departmentid equals d.departmentid                            c.complaintid == empcomplaint.complaintid && c.isactive == true                            select new                            {                                complaintid = c.complaintid,                                applicantemployeeid = c.applicantemployeeid,                                complainttypeid = c.complainttypeid,                                departmentid = c.departmentid,                                applicantname = e.fullname,                                approvername = e1.fullname,                                complaintsubject = c.complaintsubject,                                complaintnotes = c.complaintnotes,                                isactive = c.isactive,                                createdby = c.createdby,                                updateddate = c.updateddate                            };         return utility.newtonserialize(inserteddate);     } 

i want reponse send user withpout delay n email send using threading ...

method call using threading :

deliverables _deliverables = new deliverables(); _deliverables.notifycomplaintdepartment(departmentid, empcomplaint.complaintid); 

*edit :

i found if need return data after insert ???????

[webmethod] public bool callingmethod(int num1,int num2) {     employee emp=new employee();    thread t=new thread(emp.method(num1,num2));    t.start();     return "mydatastring"; }  public class employee {    public void method(int ,int b)    {       logic...    } } 


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