groovy - How to get a reference of cucumber RuntimeOptions when using cucumber-java and junit? -

i using cucumber-java in groovy code. prefer cucumber-java cucumber-groovy because can run tests plain old junit tests. however, step definition templates spitted out cucumber in java style. instead, have groovy style. example, in java style, like

@when("^an http request sent obtain config.xml of \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void an_http_get_request_is_sent_to_obtain_config_xml_of(string arg1) throws throwable {     // express regexp above code wish had     throw new pendingexception(); } 

since using groovy, like

@when(/^an http request sent obtain config.xml of "([^"]*)"$/) void 'an http request sent obtain config.xml of'(string arg1) {     // express regexp above code wish had     throw new pendingexception(); } 

i thinking implement such feature. basically, idea add new field, maybe called templatelanguage, in cucumber.api.cucumberoptions. when new field equal groovy, groovy-style templates spitted. involve if statement in, such as
if( runtimeoptions.gettemplatelanguage().tolowercase().equals('groovy') ) {...}
however, question is: how can reference of runtimeoptions passed in like

@cucumberoptions(         format = ["pretty", "html:build/cucumber"],         features="src/test/resources/cucumber_features/api/job_view.feature",         glue=[''],         strict = true ) 

thank much!


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