linux - how to loop through 3 files , search for a specific string and match it to a string in another file using bash -

i hav 3 text files hav use following code. these : subscribers.txt ,towns.txt & calls.txt .their link :

subscribers.txt has format:

 callerid|name |gender|birthyear|hometownid|email  10000025|kgosi|f     |1981     |33        | 

town.txt has format :

hometownid|townname   |location 28        |ramatlabama|b 

calls.txt has format:

date      |time    |duration|calleeid|callerid|locationofcallee|locationofcaller 18/02/2005|19:25:27|257     |10000025|10000017|3               |28 

i created function takes callerid parameter print out calls sent out modify following code such read callerid keyboard,display calls of callerid.the first line before displaying calls must contain: callerid,name(from subsribers.txt),age(take birthyear subscribers.txt , calculate age),gender(from subscribers.txt)and townname(from towns.txt)

the code ::

 #!/bin/bash      echo "enter caller id "     read  x     exec 401<> calls.txt       # open calls.txt file       exec 402<> subscribers.txt #opens  subscribers.txt     exec 403<> town.txt #opens tows.txt     while  read line <&402 #reading subscribers.txt         {            callerid=${line%%|*}; # cut off rest of $line keep callerid         line=${line#*|};                 name=${line%%|*}; # cut off rest of $line keep time of name         line=${line#*|};      e            gender=${line%%|*};  # cut off rest of $line keep box         line=${line#*|};                 year=${line%%|*};   # cut off rest of $line keep town         line=${line#*|};                 hometown=${line%%|*};   # cut off rest of $line keep phone         line=${line#*|};                email=${line%%|*};   # cut off rest of $line keep email         line=${line#*|};        if [ $callerid = "$x" ]               echo $callerid "|" $name "|" $gender "|" $hometown ;      echo " $callerid "|" $name "|" $gender "|" $hometown">>${x}outgoingcalls.log #stores in file      fi      }     done     exec 402>&-       while read line <&401      # read line @ time calls.txt                             # if end of file reached, while yield false terminate     {         full_line=$line;       # because $line going change, store somewhere           date=${line%%|*}; # cut off rest of $line keep date           line=${line#*|};                  time=${line%%|*}; # cut off rest of $line keep time             line=${line#*|};                   duration=${line%%|*};  # cut off rest of $line keep duration         line=${line#*|};                   callee=${line%%|*};   # cut off rest of $line keep callee         line=${line#*|};                 caller=${line%%|*};   # cut off rest of $line keep phone         line=${line#*|};                ### extract phone         calleeloc=${line%%|*};   # cut off rest of $line keep callee location         line=${line#*|};            ### extract phone         callerloc=${line%%|*};   # cut off rest of $line keep caller location         line=${line#*|};          if [ $caller = "$x" ];                             echo $date"|"$time"|"$duration"|"$callee"|"$caller"|"$calleloc"|" $callerloc             echo "$date:$time:$duration:$callee:$caller:$calleeloc:$callerloc>>${x}outgoingcalls.log #stores in file         fi       }     done       exec 401>&- 

your script processing every single line of calls , subscribers before matching against given input. more sensible use grep find relevant lines before processing them.

#!/bin/bash  echo -n "enter caller id: " read caller_id  caller_details=$(grep -m 1 "$caller_id" subscribers.txt)  caller_name=$(echo $caller_details | cut -d\| -f2) caller_age=$(($(date +%y)-$(echo $caller_details | cut -d\| -f4))) caller_town=$(grep -m1 "$(echo $caller_details | cut -d\| -f5)" towns.txt | cut -d\| -f2)  printf "caller id: %s | name: %s | age: %s | town: %s\n" "$caller_id" "$caller_name" "$caller_age" "$caller_town" echo "===================================================================" printf "%-10s | %-8s | %-3s | %-16s | %-16s | %-16s | %s\n" "date" "time" "dur" "callee" "caller" "callee town" "caller town"  call in $(awk -v id="$caller_id" -f'|' '$5==id' calls.txt);     call_date=$(echo "$call" | cut -d\| -f1)     call_time=$(echo "$call" | cut -d\| -f2)     call_duration=$(echo "$call" | cut -d\| -f3)     callee=$(grep -m 1 "$(echo "$call" | cut -d\| -f4)" subscribers.txt | cut -d\| -f2)      callee_town=$(grep -m1 "$(echo "$call" | cut -d\| -f6)" towns.txt | cut -d\| -f2)     caller_town=$(grep -m1 "$(echo "$call" | cut -d\| -f7)" towns.txt | cut -d\| -f2)     printf "%s | %s | %-3s | %-16s | %-16s | %-16s | %s\n" "$call_date" "$call_time" "$call_duration" "$callee" "$caller_name" "$callee_town" "$caller_town" done 

sample output:

$ ./test enter caller id: 10000010 caller id: 10000010 | name: daniel,r b | age: 34 | town: gaborone =================================================================== date       | time     | dur | callee           | caller           | callee town      | caller town 01/06/2005 | 14:58:31 | 250 | makwati,t.m.     | daniel,r b       | gaborone         | tonota 02/03/2005 | 16:31:37 | 622 | matshameko,t.c.  | daniel,r b       | francistown      | w. mohembo 02/09/2005 | 10:58:28 | 295 | khetho,p         | daniel,r b       | gaborone         | gaborone 03/01/2005 | 20:06:26 | 325 | tladi,og         | daniel,r b       | kang             | gaborone 03/07/2005 | 15:18:40 | 263 | king,w           | daniel,r b       | nokaneng         | gaborone etc... 


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