c# - Windows 8 Background Task Progress Handler Not Activating -

i've written background task in win 8 app i'm working on periodically check new items in feeds. task works , if app runs, fires off it's completion handler. however, cannot progression event handler fire. i'm using helper class register event/re-attach handlers

    public static async void registerbackgroundtask(string taskname, string entrypoint, uint checktime, backgroundtaskcompletedeventhandler completionmethod, backgroundtaskprogresseventhandler progresshandler = null)         {             var backgroundaccessstatus = await backgroundexecutionmanager.requestaccessasync();             if (backgroundaccessstatus == backgroundaccessstatus.allowedmayuseactiverealtimeconnectivity ||                 backgroundaccessstatus == backgroundaccessstatus.allowedwithalwaysonrealtimeconnectivity)             {                 foreach (var task in backgroundtaskregistration.alltasks)                 {                     if (task.value.name == taskname)                     {                         // re-register progress completion event handler.                         task.value.completed += completionmethod;                         task.value.progress += progresshandler;                          return; // task registered, no need set again.                     }                 }...  progress code:  private async void onbackgroundtaskprogress(ibackgroundtaskregistration task, backgroundtaskprogresseventargs e)         {              await dispatcher.runasync(windows.ui.core.coredispatcherpriority.normal, () =>                 {                     uint percentage = e.progress;                      debug.writeline("background task progress: " + e.progress);                      subscriptionmanager manager = (subscriptionmanager)app.current.resources["submanager"];                      var localsettings = windows.storage.applicationdata.current.localsettings;                      if ((bool)localsettings.values["currentlycheckingpodcast"])                     {                         if (podcastupdatestatus.visibility == windows.ui.xaml.visibility.collapsed)                         {                             podcastupdatestatus.visibility = windows.ui.xaml.visibility.visible;                         }                          podcastupdatestaustext.text = (string)localsettings.values["currentcheckname"] + " " + (int)localsettings.values["checkno"] + "/" + manager.subscriptions.count;                     }                      if (e.progress == 100) { podcastupdatestatus.visibility = windows.ui.xaml.visibility.collapsed; }                 });         } 

and registration code:

backgroundtaskhelpers.registerbackgroundtask("tileupdater", "narrowcastbackgroundtasks.tileupdater", checktimeuint, onbackgroundtaskcomplete, onbackgroundtaskprogress);  

any appreciated!

i figured out missing: progress event handler fired when set progress property in background task's instance.


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