java - Hadoop: Using a Custom Object in a Mapper's Output -

i new hadoop , stumped something:

what i'm trying take in list of text-entries in files , have initial mapper crunching on them , output customized object aggregated reducer.

i put framework using text values ok--but when try change using our own objects, npe (shown below)

here driver's run():

jobconf conf = new jobconf( getconf(), vectorconpreprocessor.class ); conf.setjobname( job_name + " - " + job_isodate );  "job name:  " + conf.getjobname() );  // need change chain-mapper later on . . . .   conf.setinputformat(  textinputformat.class          );    // reading text files  conf.setmapperclass(         mapmvandsamples.class  ); conf.setmapoutputvalueclass( sparsenessfilter.class );  //conf.setcombinerclass( combinesparsenesstrackers.class );  // not using combiner, because nodes must gathered before reduction      conf.setreducerclass(  reducesparsenesstrackers.class  );    // not sure reducing required here . . . .   conf.setoutputkeyclass(   text.class );    // output key sha2 conf.setoutputvalueclass( text.class );    // output value featurevectormap conf.setoutputformat(     sequencefileoutputformat.class );    // binary object writer           

and here mapper:

public class mapmvandsamples extends mapreducebase implements mapper<longwritable, text, text, sparsenessfilter>  {      public static final string delim = ":";     protected static logger m_log    = logger.getlogger( mapmvandsamples.class );          // in case we're reading line of text @ time file     // don't care sha256 now, create sparsenessfilter     //   each entry.  reducer aggregate them later.     @override     public void map( longwritable byteposition, text lineoftext, outputcollector<text, sparsenessfilter> outputcollector, reporter reporter ) throws ioexception     {                         string[] data = lineoftext.tostring().split( delim, 2 );         string sha256 = data[0];         string json   = data[1];          // create sparsenessfilter record         sparsenessfilter sf = new sparsenessfilter();         // crunching goes here          outputcollector.collect( new text("allonefornow"), sf );         }  } 

and, finally, error:

14/03/05 21:56:56 info mapreduce.job: task id : attempt_1394084907462_0002_m_000000_1, status : failed error: java.lang.nullpointerexception @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.maptask$mapoutputbuffer.init( @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.maptask.createsortingcollector( @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.maptask.runoldmapper( @ @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.yarnchild$ @ method) @ @ @ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.yarnchild.main( 

any ideas? need implement interface on our sparsenessfilter able have mapper's outputcollector handle it?


all custom keys , values should implement writablecomparable interface.

you need implement readfields(datainput in) & write(dataoutput out) & compareto.



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