mvc - Iterating through generic collection using jquery or javascript -

i have view dynamically creates table structure

<div>         @if (model.parameterlistforreviewerone != null)         {             foreach (var item in model.parameterlistforreviewerone)             {                 if (item.parmid != null && item.parmid != 0)                 {             <tr class="highlightred parameterofreviewer1 bluebgtable-confi">                 <td style="display: none">@html.hiddenfor(modelitem => item.parmid)                 </td>                 <td align="center" width="25%">                     @html.displayfor(modelitem => item.parameterdesc, new { @readonly = "readonly" })                 </td>                 <td align="center" class="one" width="35%">                     @*@html.textboxfor(modelitem => item.reviewer1ratings, new { @class = "revieweroneclass", @id = "ratings1_" + @item.parmid })*@                     @html.dropdownlistfor(model => item.reviewer1ratings, new selectlist(model.ratingslist, item.reviewer1ratings), new { @class = "revieweroneclass hideinprint", @id = "ratings1_" + @item.parmid })                     <span class="showinprint" id="forprintratings1_@item.parmid">dummy</span> <span style="color: #e80c4d; display: none;" class="hide" id="span_reviewer1rating_@item.parmid">                         invalid range.</span> <span style="color: #e80c4d; display: none;" class="hide" id="span_reviewer1ratingrequired_@item.parmid">                             required</span>                 </td>                 <td align="center" class="one" height="80px" width="40%">                     @html.textareafor(modelitem => item.reviewer1comments, new { @class = "reviewercommentsclass requiredfield disablereviewer1 reviewer1parafieldlimit hideinprint", @id = "comments1_" + @item.parmid })                     <div class="showinprint" id="comments1_@item.parmid">                         dummy</div>                     <span style="color: #e80c4d; display: none;" class="hide hidecomments1_@item.parmid" id="span_reviewer1commentsrequired_@item.parmid">                         required</span> <span id="spn_comments1_@item.parmid" class="classsec3fieldlimit" style="display: none">                         </span>                 </td>             </tr>                 }             }         }         <tr class="bluebgtable-confi">             <td align="center" width="25%">                 overall ratings             </td>             <td align="center" id="overallrating1" valign="middle" height="60px" width="35%">                 @* @html.textboxfor(model => model.reviewer1overallrating)*@                 @html.dropdownlistfor(model => model.reviewer1overallrating, new selectlist(model.ratingslist), new { @class = "hideinprint" })                 <span class="showinprint" id="forprintreviewer1overallrating">dummy</span> <span                     style="color: #e80c4d; display: none;" class="hide" id="span_overallratingreviewer1">                     invalid range.</span> <span style="color: #e80c4d; display: none;" class="hide" id="span_overallratingreviewer1required">                         required</span>             </td>             <td id="overallrating1" align="center" class="requiredfield" height="80px" width="40%">@html.textareafor(model => model.reviewer1overallratingcomments, new { @class = "disablereviewer1 hideinprint" })                 <div class="showinprint" id="forprintreviewer1overallratingcomments">                     dummy</div>                 <p>@html.validationmessagefor(model => model.reviewer1overallratingcomments)</p>                 <span style="color: #e80c4d; display: none;" class="hide hideoverallrating1" id="span_reviewer1overallratingcommentsrequired">                     required</span>             </td>         </tr>     </div> 

in javascript function want parmid dynamically generated how can parmid in javascript or jquery.actually want copy code div hidden want ids dynamically generated.

in mvc4 can write <tr id="@html.idfor(modelitem => item.parmid)" ... , jquery select ids. or generate javascript i.e

<script>  var id = '@html.idfor(modelitem => item.parmid)'; </script> 

or set attribute or class on tr <tr class='myclass'> , use $('.myclass').foreach(...)


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