c# - Creating a csv file, not adding to the next column -
first time trying build csv file in c#, here code:
string filepath = @"c:\users\me\downloads\csvfiles\test-" + datetime.now.tostring("dd-mm-yyyy-hh-mm-ss") + ".csv"; string delimit = ","; list<string> cells = new list<string>(); console.writeline("gathering data..."); sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(properties.settings.default.connectionstring); con.open(); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(); cmd.connection = con; cmd.commandtype = system.data.commandtype.text; cmd.commandtext = "select id, name contacts"; sqldatareader reader = cmd.executereader(); console.writeline("building csv file"); while (reader.read()) { addcell((idatarecord)reader, cells); } stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); (int = 0; < cells.count; i++) { sb.appendline(string.join(delimit, cells[i])); } file.writealltext(filepath, sb.tostring()); /*method add each record list*/ public static void addcell(idatarecord record, list<string> cells) { cells.add(record[0].tostring()); cells.add(record[1].tostring()); }
trouble is, appends new row, doesn't move record[1] next column , start new row...
your loop incorrect trying do.
replace :
(int = 0; < cells.count; i++) { sb.appendline(string.join(delimit, cells[i])); }
int = 0; while (i < cells.count) { sb.appendline(string.join(delimit, cells[i],cells[i+1])); = + 2; }
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