objective c - calling javascript event strings in to native iOS calendar iPHone -

we have develop iphone application in phonegap environment. call below javascritpt function in objective-c xcode create event in native ios calendar.

//calendar.js  var calendarplugin = { createevent: function(title, location, notes, startdate, enddate, successcallback, errorcallback) {     cordova.exec(         successcallback, // success callback function         errorcallback, // error callback function         'calendarplugin', // mapped our native java class called "calendarplugin"         'addcalendarentry', // action name         [{                  // , array of custom arguments create our entry             "title": title,             "description": notes,             "eventlocation": location,             "starttimemillis": startdate.gettime(),             "endtimemillis": enddate.gettime()         }]     );   } 


i have basic code of calendar event in objective c, need pass string value javascript calendar event obj-c method. write in below webview method

 - (bool)webview:(uiwebview*)thewebview shouldstartloadwithrequest:(nsurlrequest*)request navigationtype:(uiwebviewnavigationtype)navigationtype 

i'm not sure calendar part, 1 can out.

make sure define plugin in config.xml

<feature name="customplugin">       <param name="ios-package" value="customplugin" /> </feature> 

implementing plug-in using objective-c code


#import <foundation/foundation.h> #import <cordova/cdv.h>  @interface customplugin : cdvplugin  - (void)sayhello:(cdvinvokedurlcommand*)command;  @end 


#import "customplugin.h"      @implementation customplugin      - (void)sayhello:(cdvinvokedurlcommand*)command{          nsstring *responsestring =             [nsstring stringwithformat:@"hello world, %@", [command.arguments objectatindex:0]];          cdvpluginresult *pluginresult =             [cdvpluginresult resultwithstatus:cdvcommandstatus_ok messageasstring:responsestring];          [self.commanddelegate sendpluginresult:pluginresult callbackid:command.callbackid];     }      @end 

calling plug-in javascript

function initial(){     var name = $("#nameinput").val();     cordova.exec(sayhellosuccess, sayhellofailure, "customplugin", "sayhello", [name]); }  function sayhellosuccess(data){     alert("ok: " + data); }  function sayhellofailure(data){     alert("fail: " + data); } 


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