python - grouping rows in list in pandas groupby -

i have pandas data frame like:

a 1 2 b 5 b 5 b 4 c 6 

i want group first column , second column lists in rows:

a [1,2] b [5,5,4] c [6] 

is possible using pandas groupby?

you can using groupby group on column of interest , apply list every group:

in [1]: # create dataframe     df = pd.dataframe( {'a':['a','a','b','b','b','c'], 'b':[1,2,5,5,4,6]}) df out[1]:     b 0   1 1   2 2  b  5 3  b  5 4  b  4 5  c  6  [6 rows x 2 columns]  in [76]: df.groupby('a')['b'].apply(list)  out[76]: a       [1, 2] b    [5, 5, 4] c          [6] name: b, dtype: object 


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