Error in running python script using chef -

so, trying run simple python script using python resource of chef-cookbook. here recipe looks like:

python "excute_file"   cwd '/home/peeyush/'   code <<-eoh     python #{filename}   eoh end 

but when run cookbook, following error:

recipe: hellochef::default   * python[excute_file] action run ================================================================================ error executing action `run` on resource 'python[excute_file]' ================================================================================   mixlib::shellout::shellcommandfailed ------------------------------------ expected process exit [0], received '1' ---- begin output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89" ---- stdout:  stderr: file "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89", line 1     python     ^ indentationerror: unexpected indent ---- end output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89" ---- ran "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89" returned 1   resource declaration: --------------------- # in /home/peeyush/chef/cookbook/hellochef/recipes/default.rb   17: python "excute_file"  18:   cwd '/home/peeyush/'  19:   code <<-eoh  20:     python #{filename}  21:   eoh  22: end    compiled resource: ------------------ # declared in /home/peeyush/chef/cookbook/hellochef/recipes/default.rb:17:in `from_file'  python("excute_file")   action "run"   retries 0   retry_delay 2   command "\"python\"  \"/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89\""   backup 5   cwd "/home/peeyush/"   returns 0   code "    python\n"   interpreter "python"   cookbook_name :hellochef   recipe_name "default" end     running handlers: [2014-03-06t17:30:21+05:30] error: running exception handlers running handlers complete  [2014-03-06t17:30:21+05:30] error: exception handlers complete [2014-03-06t17:30:21+05:30] fatal: stacktrace dumped /home/peeyush/chef/chef-stacktrace.out chef client failed. 0 resources updated in 6.727546421 seconds [2014-03-06t17:30:21+05:30] error: python[excute_file] (hellochef::default line 17) had error: mixlib::shellout::shellcommandfailed: expected process exit [0], received '1' ---- begin output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89" ---- stdout:  stderr: file "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89", line 1     python     ^ indentationerror: unexpected indent ---- end output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89" ---- ran "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-18792-iqfp89" returned 1 [2014-03-06t17:30:21+05:30] fatal: chef::exceptions::childconvergeerror: chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1) 

i using chef-solo. can please me figure out error.

update: added "action :run" script. error is:

recipe: hellochef::default   * python[excute_file] action run ================================================================================ error executing action `run` on resource 'python[excute_file]' ================================================================================   mixlib::shellout::shellcommandfailed ------------------------------------ expected process exit [0], received '1' ---- begin output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr" ---- stdout:  stderr: file "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr", line 1     python               ^ syntaxerror: invalid syntax ---- end output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr" ---- ran "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr" returned 1   resource declaration: --------------------- # in /home/peeyush/chef/cookbook/hellochef/recipes/default.rb   17: python "excute_file"  18:   cwd '/home/peeyush/'  19:   code <<-eoh  20: python #{filename}  21:   eoh  22:   action :run  23: end    compiled resource: ------------------ # declared in /home/peeyush/chef/cookbook/hellochef/recipes/default.rb:17:in `from_file'  python("excute_file")   action [:run]   retries 0   retry_delay 2   command "\"python\"  \"/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr\""   backup 5   cwd "/home/peeyush/"   returns 0   code "python\n"   interpreter "python"   cookbook_name :hellochef   recipe_name "default" end     running handlers: [2014-03-06t17:43:33+05:30] error: running exception handlers running handlers complete  [2014-03-06t17:43:33+05:30] error: exception handlers complete [2014-03-06t17:43:33+05:30] fatal: stacktrace dumped /home/peeyush/chef/chef-stacktrace.out chef client failed. 0 resources updated in 1.204350962 seconds [2014-03-06t17:43:33+05:30] error: python[excute_file] (hellochef::default line 17) had error: mixlib::shellout::shellcommandfailed: expected process exit [0], received '1' ---- begin output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr" ---- stdout:  stderr: file "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr", line 1     python               ^ syntaxerror: invalid syntax ---- end output of "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr" ---- ran "python"  "/tmp/chef-script20140306-19760-hs5acr" returned 1 [2014-03-06t17:43:33+05:30] fatal: chef::exceptions::childconvergeerror: chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1) 

the python resource runs code as python. trying run python script - different things. in case, should use script resource:

script 'execute_file'   cwd '/home/peeyush'   code "python #{filename}" end 

or can execute contents of file using python:

python 'execute'   code <<-eoh.gsub(/^ {4}/, '')     some.magical.python:   eoh end 


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