c# - How to add record into the database using MVC -
i trying add record database showing me error: an exception of type 'system.data.entity.infrastructure.dbupdateexception' occurred in entityframework.dll not handled in user code
error when run program, not open view in web-browser
this model:
public class moviemodel { public int id { set; get; } public string firstname { set; get; } public string secondname { set; get; } public datetime dob { set; get; } public string type{ set; get; } }
this controller:
namespace movie.controllers { public class moviescontroller : controller { private applicationdbcontext db = new applicationdbcontext(); // // get: /movies/ public actionresult addusers(moviemodel model) { if (modelstate.isvalid) { db.movies.add(model); db.savechanges(); } return view(model); } } }
second question when up-grading database upgrade-database
how specify forgone key? have done via microsoft sql server management?
this occurs when trying add/insert record in object other table
. movie
table or view?
if table, sure table has primary key
doesn't allow duplication.
if not add primary key , update entity framework model , run again.
updates : can create empty action. so, update controller follows
// // get: /movies/ public actionresult addstudent() { return view(); } // // post: /movies/ [post] public actionresult addstudent(moviemodel model) { if (modelstate.isvalid) { db.movies.add(model); db.savechanges(); } return view(model); }
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