objective c - iPhone - Free space left on device reported incorrectly (+- 200 Mb difference) -

i use method free space on disk, extracted code found after researches.

    float freespace = -1.0f;       nserror* error = nil;       nsarray* paths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes);       nsdictionary* dictionary = [[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] attributesoffilesystemforpath:[paths lastobject] error: &error];        if (dictionary) {           nsnumber* filesystemsizeinbytes = [dictionary objectforkey:nsfilesystemfreesize];           freespace = [filesystemsizeinbytes floatvalue];       } 

i wonder why when runing this, gives me free space of 3660062720.000000 bytes give 3,408699035644531 gb (/1024/1024/1024)

but looking iphone setting -> general info (and itunes), i'm said iphone has 3.2 gb left.

where mistake ?

it appears free space reported incorrectly https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2566412?threadid=2566412

edit: tried following code , noticed on device, there ~200mb discrepancy. maybe storage reserved system somehow?

nsdictionary *fsattr = [[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] filesystemattributesatpath:nshomedirectory()];  unsigned long long freespace = [[fsattr objectforkey:nsfilesystemfreesize] unsignedlonglongvalue];  nslog(@"%llu", freespace); nslog(@"%f", freespace / 1073741824.0);  


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