javascript - Two animations to be performed in a single page one over the other in canvas -
actually have set of points when connected forms pipes connected horizontally , vertically. want animation pipes this
var canvas1 = $("#maincanvas1")[0]; var ctx1 = canvas1.getcontext("2d"); var points = [[250,300],[250,150],[450,150],[450,50],[150,50],[150,300]]; var gradcolor = ["#1fb0ff","#0aa9ff", "#009ff5",'#0092e0', "#0085cc"]; drawconnectionpipe(ctx1,points,15,gradcolor[0],gradcolor[1], gradcolor[2],gradcolor[3], gradcolor[4]); function drawconnectionpipe(ctx,coorinatearray,thickness,gradcolorlight1, gradcolorlight2,gradmidcolor,gradcolordark1, gradcolordark2){; gradcolornew = [gradcolordark2,gradcolorlight1, gradcolorlight2,gradmidcolor,gradcolordark1]; var gradientobject = null; for(var i=0; i<coorinatearray.length-1; i++){ var startpt = coorinatearray[i]; var endpt = coorinatearray[i+1]; gradientobject = ctx.createlineargradient(startpt[0],startpt[1],endpt[0] , endpt[1]); gradientobject.addcolorstop(0, gradcolorlight1); gradientobject.addcolorstop(0.25, gradcolorlight2); gradientobject.addcolorstop(0.5, gradmidcolor); gradientobject.addcolorstop(0.75, gradcolordark1); gradientobject.addcolorstop(1, gradcolordark2); ctx.linewidth=thickness; ctx.strokestyle = gradientobject; ctx.linejoin = "round"; ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(startpt[0],startpt[1]); ctx.lineto(endpt[0], endpt[1]); ctx.closepath(); ctx.stroke(); //ctx.globalcompositeoperation = 'source-over'; } // chnge order window.settimeout(gameloop, 150); function gameloop() { if(gradcolornew.length == 5){ drawconnectionpipe(ctx,coorinatearray,thickness,gradcolornew[0],gradcolornew[1], gradcolornew[2],gradcolornew[3], gradcolornew[4]); } } ctx.restore(); }
and inside want particles move this.
var particlegen = function () { var particle = this; // begin // directions, upto this.begin = function () { var pipebegin = points[pipeindex]; var pipeends = points[pipeindex + 1]; nx = pipebegin.x; ny = pipebegin.y; if (pipebegin.x == pipeends.x) { if (pipebegin.y > pipeends.y) { // endpoint y greater start point y moving upwards d = "up"; function animloop() { if (ny > pipeends.y) { ctx.clearrect(0, 0, w, h); drawcircle(nx, ny); ny--; nx = nx; requestanimframe(animloop); }else if (ny == pipeends.y) { cancelanimationframe(animloop); particle.callbegin(); } } animloop(); } else if (pipebegin.y < pipeends.y) { d = "down"; function animloop1() { if (ny < pipeends.y) { ctx.clearrect(0, 0, w, h); drawcircle(nx, ny); ny++; nx = nx; requestanimframe(animloop1); } else if (ny == pipeends.y) { cancelanimationframe(animloop1); particle.callbegin(); } } animloop1(); } } else if (pipebegin.y == pipeends.y) { if (pipebegin.x < pipeends.x) { // start.x < end.x right movement d = "right"; function animloop2() { if (nx < pipeends.x) { ctx.clearrect(0, 0, w, h); drawcircle(nx, ny); nx++; ny = ny; requestanimframe(animloop2); } else if (ny == pipeends.y) { cancelanimationframe(animloop2); particle.callbegin(); } } animloop2(); } else if (pipebegin.x > pipeends.x) { d = "left"; function animloop3() { if (nx > pipeends.x) { ctx.clearrect(0, 0, w, h); drawcircle(nx, ny); nx--; ny = ny; requestanimframe(animloop3); } else if (ny == pipeends.y) { cancelanimationframe(animloop3); particle.callbegin(); } } animloop3(); } else if (nx == pipeends.x) { cancelanimationframe(animloop2); particle.callbegin(); } } } this.callbegin = function () { if (pipeindex <= 3) { pipeindex++; console.log(pipeindex) particle.begin(); } } }; function drawcircle(cx, cy) { // console.log(cx+ " :cx, cy: "+cy+ " : drawcircle") ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(cx, cy, 2, 0, 2 * math.pi, false); ctx.fillstyle = "black"; ctx.fill(); ctx.closepath(); }
i have both animations in different canvas , in differen page. combine them effect of water flow.
i this. particle cannot seen no errors.
please help.
thank in advance
you can adding line
ctx1.globalalpha = 0.7;
in function drawpipe()
(at line 183).
act making pipes transparent 1 0.7
or can draw circle after pipes has been drawn.
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