php - How to send some images in a same folder to android and how android client can decode these datastream? -

i have implemented cbir program using android. basic framework is:

  1. take picture using android camera , upload wamp server
  2. call retrieval engine , store retrieved images (for example 10 images) in folder, named './output/'
  3. php sends result images android displaying.

my question how send these images (10 more or less) android , how android receives , decodes these images. on server sider, php script looks like:

<?php   # .....    #function streaming file client   function streamfile($location, $filename, $mimetype='application/octet-stream')   { if(!file_exists($location))       { header ("http/1.0 404 not found");         return;       }      $size=filesize($location);     $time=date('r',filemtime($location));     #html response header     header('content-description: file transfer');        header("content-type: $mimetype");      header('cache-control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');     header('pragma: no-cache');       header('accept-ranges: bytes');     header('content-length:'.($size));     header("content-disposition: inline; filename=$filename");     header("content-transfer-encoding: binary\n");     header("last-modified: $time");     header('connection: close');            ob_clean();     flush();     readfile($location);    }    # -------------------------------------------------------   # main script   # -------------------------------------------------------   # test if retrieved image stored in folder    $processed_photo_output_path = "./output"    $num_files = count(glob($_server['document_root'].'/output/*.png'));  while($num_files < 10){     usleep(100000); } usleep(100000);     % send files in while loop.        $list = scandir("/output/*.png");        $i = $num_files;          for(; $i > 0; $i--){         streamfile($list[i], $list[i], "application/octet-stream");     }      ?> 

the following code used on client side receive data. however, find if server sends 1 image, works well. if number of images more 1, crashes.

what should if server pushes 10 images client? suggestions appreciated.

//get image result server , display in result view     void getresultimage(httpurlconnection conn){                 // retrieve response server         inputstream is;          try {                            = conn.getinputstream();             //get result image server             mresultview.resultimage = bitmapfactory.decodestream(is);             is.close();                          mresultview.isshowingresult = true;                  } catch (ioexception e) {             log.e(tag,e.tostring());             e.printstacktrace();         }     } 

i have figured out problem. modify plan send urls of images rather image android side. urls stored in mysql , passed json format.


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