mvc 3 - Check, Nothing is changed in Model values MVC3 -

i've model following:

public class page {      private readonly indiantime _g = new indiantime();       public page()      {          createdon = _g.datetime;          properties = "published";          tags = "page";          relativeurl = string.empty;      }       public string path      {          { return (parentpage != null) ? parentpage.heading + " >> " + heading : heading; }      }       [key]      public int id { get; set; }       [stringlength(200), required, datatype(datatype.text)]      public string title { get; set; }       [stringlength(200), required, datatype(datatype.text)]      public string heading { get; set; }       [maxlength, required, datatype(datatype.html)]      public string content { get; set; }       [display(name = "reference code"), scaffoldcolumn(false)]      public string referencecode { get; set; }       [required]      [remote("checkduplicate", "page", errormessage = "url has taken", additionalfields = "initialurl")]      public string url { get; set; }       [display(name = "created on"), scaffoldcolumn(false)]      public datetime createdon { get; set; }       //parent page object (self reference: parentid = > id)      [display(name = "parent page")]      public int? parentid { get; set; }       [displayformat(nulldisplaytext = "root")]      public virtual page parentpage { get; set; }       public virtual icollection<page> childpages { get; set; } } 

during update, there check model values "changed" or "nothing has changed" after post method?

say example: (see commented lines)

[httppost, validateantiforgerytoken] public actionresult edit(webpage webpage) {    try    {       if (modelstate.isvalid)       {           // if (webpage object values unchanged, submitted           // {           //    not insert values table           // }           // else           // {           //    inert table           // }           _db.entry(webpage).state = entitystate.modified;           _db.savechanges();           return redirecttoaction("index");       }    }    catch (dataexception)    {         modelstate.addmodelerror("", errorcode.msg.contactsystemadmin.tostring());    }    return view(webpage); } 

you can this

[httppost, validateantiforgerytoken] public actionresult edit(webpage webpage) {    try    {       if (modelstate.isvalid)       {           var dbentry=_db.getentrybyid(;            //check here if properties in webpage , column values in dbentry             //same decide whether insert in table or not            _db.entry(webpage).state = entitystate.modified;           _db.savechanges();           return redirecttoaction("index");       }    }    catch (dataexception)    {         modelstate.addmodelerror("", errorcode.msg.contactsystemadmin.tostring());    }    return view(webpage); } 

or not sure if works

try using $(form).serialize() @ client side

check fiddle


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