php - Class Not Exist when loading entity Symfony 2 -

i create bundle , entity inside bundle. when try entity or repository in controller using entity manager give error class not exist.

i try debug using php app/console doctrine:mapping:info

it prompts every thing correct. output

found 4 mapped entities: [ok]   bitcoin\mybundle\entity\productcategory [ok]   bitcoin\mybundle\entity\adminuser [ok]   bitcoin\mybundle\entity\product [ok]   bitcoin\mybundle\entity\user 

my controller code follows

<?php  namespace bitcoin\mybundle\controller;  use symfony\component\httpfoundation\request; use symfony\component\security\core\securitycontext; use symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\controller\controller; use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\route; use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\template; use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\security; use bitcoin\adminbundle\form\login; use bitcoin\adminbundle\form\loginvalidate;  class logincontroller extends controller {      public function loginaction(request $request) {         $user = $this->getdoctrine()->getrepository('user');         echo '<pre>';         prin_r(get_class_methods(get_class($user)));          die;       $pagedata = array(         'name' => 'login',     );     return $this->render('bitcoinadminbundle:login:login.html.twig', $pagedata); } 


when access in browser output :- enter image description here

i worked zend framework new in symfony2. appreciate.

i find issue , silly mistake.

for repository should have use bundle name class name this

$user = $this->getdoctrine()->getrepository('bitcoinmybundle:user'); 


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