android - CCLayer setTouchPriority has no effect -

i created layer, has sole purpose block ("swallow") touches, , feature can turned on , off. class basic, if receives touch swallows it:

bool blockinglayer::init(){      // super init.     if ( !cclayer::init() )     {         return false;     }      settouchenabled(true);     settouchmode(kcctouchesonebyone);     settouchpriority(int_max);      return true; }    bool blockinglayer::cctouchbegan(cctouch *ptouch, ccevent *pevent) {     cclog("blockinglayer swallowed touch!");     return true; } 

so default has bad priority, receives touches if no other class claimed it. in scene using layer set different priority when events occur:

bool myscene::init(int unitnumber, ccstring* path){     // super init.     ...     _blockinglayer = blockinglayer::create();     this->addchild(_blockinglayer);      return true; }  bool myscene::cctouchbegan(cctouch *ptouch, ccevent *pevent){      _blockinglayer->settouchpriority(int_min);      ... } 

now layer should have best priority possible, should swallow touches. not, behaviour not change. see registerwithtouchdispatcher() called , m_ntouchpriority changed correctly. layer's behaviour unchanged.

this on cocos2d-x 2.2. appreciated.

in addtargeteddelegate() set third param true

 bool blockinglayer::init(){      // super init.     if ( !cclayer::init() )     {         return false;     }      settouchenabled(true);     settouchmode(kcctouchesonebyone);     settouchpriority(int_max);      return true; }  void blockinglayer::onenter() {     ccdirector::shareddirector()->gettouchdispatcher()->addtargeteddelegate(this, int_max, true);  //<---- param (target, touchpriority, isswallowtouches )     ccnode::onenter(); }  void blockinglayer::onexit() {      ccdirector::shareddirector()->gettouchdispatcher()->removedelegate( );      ccnode::onexit(); }   bool blockinglayer::cctouchbegan(cctouch *ptouch, ccevent *pevent) {     cclog("blockinglayer swallowed touch!");     return true; } 


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