Mediawiki article permission, block special pages -

i need 2 things:

  1. i create article in mediawiki f.ex. financial data , block users except 1 user or user group called "financial". there way make simple, maybe while creating article?

  2. i block special pages users, how it? blocked editing, discussing etc , need block special pages users.

first: if need set per article permission, using wrong tool. mediawiki designed open , highly collaborative, , working around a) require hacks , b) never entirely secure. (see mediawiki: security issues authorization extensions. in brief: there will ways users access content of restricted pages.)

now, if still want try , restrict access pages, there few extensions choose from. among thoose extension:lockdown allow set per namespace permissions, , special page restrictions. have create 1 namespace per access setting, , put financial data in restricted namespace, e.g. restricted:financial localsettings.php (just example!):

#add new user group $wggrouppermissions['trusted-user'] = $wggrouppermissions['user'];  #add namespace define('ns_restricted', 550); define('ns_restricted_talk', 551); $wgextranamespaces[ns_restricted] = 'restricted'; $wgextranamespaces[ns_restricted_talk] = 'restricted_talk';  #lockdown namespace  $wgnamespacepermissionlockdown[ns_restricted]['read'] = array('trusted-user'); $wgnamespacepermissionlockdown[ns_restricted_talk]['read'] = array('trusted-user');  #disallow inclusion $wgnonincludablenamespaces[] = ns_restricted; $wgnonincludablenamespaces[] = ns_restricted_talk; 

note added namespace $wgnonincludablenamespaces, prevent users viewing content through inclusion (by writing {{restricted:financial}} on page).

then proceed lock down special pages:

$wgspecialpagelockdown['statistics'] = array('sysop'); $wgspecialpagelockdown['version'] = array('sysop'); $wgspecialpagelockdown['export'] = array('sysop'); ... 

this long list, , change bit version version of mediawiki, special pages come , go.

*before start heading down path, please read warnings @ , , think again if mediawiki right tool needs*


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