can not get output of shell script's echo to a Java variable -

i calling shell script java, in shell script running queries , getting running times,(e.g. when save echo time's result in output file, e.g. 28sec 27sec 34sec in 1 column) can not output of echo time java,when running program getting weird decimal numbers. code getting output shell script this:

    import java.util.*;     import*;      public class test     {        public static void main(string[] args)        {           treemap <string, long> mymap = new treemap <string, long>();           string output = "";           string line = "";            mymap.put("key", value);           mymap.put("key", value);            list<string> cmdlist = new arraylist<string>();           cmdlist.add("/path/to/the/test/file/");           for(map.entry entry : mymap.entryset())           {              cmdlist.add(entry.getkey().tostring());              cmdlist.add(entry.getvalue().tostring());            }           try           {             process process = runtime.getruntime().exec(cmdlist.toarray(new string[cmdlist.size()]));             //get input stream of process             bufferedreader in = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(process.getinputstream()));             while ((line = in.readline()) != null)             {              output += line;             }            }           catch(ioexception e){ system.out.println("caught ioexception: " + e.getmessage()); }        system.out.println(output);      }   } 

my shell script looks this:

    i=0     args=("$@")     while [ $i -lt $# ]         start=`date +%s`        operation here     end=`date +%s`     echo $end - $start | bc     done 

weird output java:

      f   37734107.00 56586554400.73  53758257134.8700    55909065222.827692  25.522006   38273.129735    0.049985    1478493n    991417.00   1487504710.38   1413082168.0541 1469649223.194375   25.516472   38284.467761    0.050093    38854n  o 

what might doing wrong in code?


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