error running hadoop mapreduce to run jar files -

i have tried run zip files download link cant run in apache hadoop. file should run zip perform mapreduce task? can please tell me how work hadoop using zip files following link i'm facing several problems while doing please me out. want know step step procedure.

have read readme file in link? has step step instructions on how run mr job.

    requirement: hadoop 0.19 or higher (and it's dependencies)  ################################################################################### may need modify variable "rootdir" in , point home directory or directory on hdfs have read  , write permissions on.  compile class files , jar files, run  $ ant compile jar  create build , bin directory class files, compiling  against hadoop 0.19 jar located in lib directory. also, create  ga.jar mapreduces simple genetic algorithm , cga.jar  mapreduces compact genetic algorithm.  ################################################################################### execute, go root hadoop directory , run,   $ hadoop jar ga.jar <nmaps> <nreducers> <variables> <niterations> <poptimesnlogn>  <nmaps> , <nreducers> number of mappers , reducers want  start, <variables> size of onemax problem program solves,  <niterations> number of iterations want run , <poptimesnlogn> sets size of population multiple of n log n, n number of  variables.  example,  $ hadoop jar ga.jar 4 4 10000 100 10 


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