pdf - navigating to a specific page with the mupdf android library -

how go navigating specific page mupdf library? or there way make library not remember page last on in pdf?

uri uri = uri.parse(path); intent intent = new intent(mainactivity.getcontext(), mupdfactivity.class) intent.setaction(intent.action_view); intent.setdata(uri); c.startactivity(intent); //c context 

this how i'm opening pdfs.

you can add page index in bundle intent, load index in mupdfactivity thereafter , call mdocview.setdisplayedviewindex(your_index_from_bundle); should job.

something that:

uri uri = uri.parse(path); intent intent = new intent(mainactivity.getcontext(), mupdfactivity.class) intent.setaction(intent.action_view); intent.setdata(uri); bundle extras = intent.getextras(); extras.putint("key_page_index", 10); c.startactivity(intent); 

then edit oncreate in mupdfactivity, add code @ end of oncreate:

intent intent = getintent(); if(intent!=null){     bundle extras = intent.getextras();     if(extras!=null){         int index = extras.getint("key_page_index");         mdocview.setdisplayedviewindex(index);     } } 


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