- DbCommand , Must Declare a variable error -

this code. have added db parameter still shows me error (on execution). must declare scalar variable

       dbcommand command;         stringbuilder query = new stringbuilder(                                                         @"select         isnull(upsellservice_oid,'') upsellservice_oid," + environment.newline +                                                         "       isnull(servicename,'') servicename," + environment.newline +                                                         "       isnull(servicedescription,'') servicedescription," + environment.newline +                                                         "       isnull(create_by,'') create_by," + environment.newline +                                                         "       isnull(create_date,'') create_date," + environment.newline +                                                         "       isnull(modify_by,'') modify_by," + environment.newline +                                                         "       isnull(modify_date,'') modify_date," + environment.newline +                                                         "       isnull(active_f,'') active_f" + environment.newline +                                                         "from   trgpayroll.zong.upsellservices   " + environment.newline +                                                         "where  1 = 1");         if (!string.isnullorempty(idobject.servicename))         {             query.append(" , servicename '%'  @servicename  '%'");         }          command = db.getsqlstringcommand(query.tostring());         if (!string.isnullorempty(idobject.servicename))         {             db.addinparameter(command, "servicename", dbtype.string, idobject.servicename);         }          return command; 

i rewrite last part of code in way

    if (!string.isnullorempty(idobject.servicename))     {         query.append(" , servicename @servicename");     }      command = db.getsqlstringcommand(query.tostring());     if (!string.isnullorempty(idobject.servicename))     {         db.addinparameter(command, "@servicename", dbtype.string, "%" + idobject.servicename + "%");     } 

the wildcard added directly value of parameter, while placeholder of parameter should free string concatenations. there many details missing sure of correctness of answer. in particular ican assume inner workings of methods getsqlstringcommand , addinparameter


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