c# - Binding images in WPF -

i want show multiple image on uniform grid i'm getting urls internet).when execute code images not displayed. videos window:

<window x:name="videos" x:class="navigateur.presentation.videos"         xmlns:my="clr-namespace:navigateur.presentation"         xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"         xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"         title="window2" height="207" width="463" windowstyle="none" resizemode="noresize" topmost="true" windowstate="maximized">      <grid>         <itemscontrol margin="72,30,76,30" itemssource="{binding images}">             <itemscontrol.itemspanel>                 <itemspaneltemplate>                     <uniformgrid columns="4" rows="3"/>                 </itemspaneltemplate>             </itemscontrol.itemspanel>             <itemscontrol.itemtemplate>                 <datatemplate>                     <image source="{binding}"/>                 </datatemplate>             </itemscontrol.itemtemplate>         </itemscontrol>     </grid> </window> 

and code behind:

using system.windows.controls; using system.windows.data; using system.windows.documents; using system.windows.input; using system.windows.media; using system.windows.media.imaging; using system.windows.shapes;  namespace navigateur.presentation {     /// <summary>     /// logique d'interaction pour window2.xaml     /// </summary>     public partial class videos : window     {         observablecollection<image> images;         public videos()         {             initializecomponent();          }         public observablecollection<image> images()         {             images = new observablecollection<image>();             servicereferencevideo.videoserviceclient wcf = new servicereferencevideo.videoserviceclient();             foreach (var item in wcf.getallvideos())             {                 string link_thumb = wcf.getthumbimage((wcf.getvideoid(item.urlvideo)));                 var wsource = new bitmapimage(new uri(link_thumb));                 var wimage = new image { source = wsource };                 images.add(wimage);             }             return images;         }       } } 

quite few issues here:

  • your list (itemscontrol) accesses images via binding, never set list's datacontext - object binding system try data (in case, videos window itself).
  • bindings work on public properties, not private fields images collection.
  • when images() function done loading thumbnails, binding system needs notified bound collection (public property) has changed, either implementing inotifypropertychanged , raising propertychanged event, or making property dependencyproperty.
  • the way it's written now, images() function creates collection of images, , itemscontrol uses them sources new images. using image source of image overkill (if works). image happliy takes e.g. uri source though, instead of generating images in code, images collection can list of link_thumb urls.

i suggest read on data binding in wpf. there lots of resources out there.

for particular case though, because done in videos window, skip bindings altogether, , force-feed list of images itemscontrol if give name:

<itemscontrol margin="72,30,76,30" x:name="_imagelist" >     ... 


public void images() {     var images = new observablecollection<string>();     var wcf = new servicereferencevideo.videoserviceclient();     foreach (var item in wcf.getallvideos())     {         string link_thumb = wcf.getthumbimage((wcf.getvideoid(item.urlvideo)));         images.add(link_thumb);     }      _imagelist.itemssource = images; } 


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