functional programming - Fixed point in Scala -

is there shortcut following code snippet?

while (true) {   val newclusters = this.iterate(instances, clusters)    if (newclusters == clusters) {     return clusters   }    clusters = newclusters } 

i calculate fixed point, i.e. execute function such result stable. aware of higher-order functions suit purposes?

an adaptation fixpoint calculation example scala example martin odersky (chapter 'first-class functions', section 5.3),

val instances = ...  // question statement   def isapproxfeasible(x: clusters, y: clusters) = some_distance_x_y < threshold  def fixedpoint(f: clusters => clusters)(initapprox: clusters) = {   def iterate(approx: clusters): clusters = {     val newclusters = f(approx)     if (iscloseenough(approx, newclusters)) newclusters     else iterate(newclusters)   }   iterate(initapprox) } 

where function f: clusters => clusters delivers new candidate clusters, , initapprox corresponds first, initial guess on fixpoint. function isapproxfeasible helps ensuring termination a priori threshold.


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