c++ - Unhandled exception at std::length_error at memory location 0x002ff5dc -
im new in opencv code
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <complex> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include "wavelet2d.h" #include "opencv/cv.h" #include "opencv/highgui.h" #include "opencv/cxcore.h" using namespace std; using namespace cv; void* maxval(vector<vector<double> > &arr, double &max){ max = 0; (unsigned int =0; < arr.size(); i++) { (unsigned int j =0; j < arr[0].size(); j++) { if (max <= arr[i][j]){ max = arr[i][j]; } } } return 0; } void* maxval1(vector<double> &arr, double &max){ max = 0; (unsigned int =0; < arr.size(); i++) { if (max <= arr[i]){ max = arr[i]; } } return 0; } int main() { iplimage* img = cvloadimage("apple.jpg"); if (!img){ cout << " can't read image. try different format." << endl; exit(1); } int height, width; height = img->height; width = img->width; int nc = img->nchannels; // uchar* ptr2 =(uchar*) img->imagedata; int pix_depth = img->depth; cvsize size; size.width =width; size.height=height; cout << "depth" << pix_depth << "channels" << nc << endl; cvnamedwindow("original image", cv_window_autosize); cvshowimage("original image", img); cvwaitkey(); cvdestroywindow("original image"); cvsaveimage("orig.bmp",img); int rows =(int) height; int cols =(int) width; mat matimg(img); vector<vector<double> > vec1(rows, vector<double>(cols)); int k =1; (int i=0; < rows; i++) { (int j =0; j < cols; j++){ unsigned char temp; temp = ((uchar*) matimg.data + * matimg.step)[j * matimg.elemsize() + k ]; vec1[i][j] = (double) temp; } } string nm = "db3"; vector<double> l1,h1,l2,h2; filtcoef(nm,l1,h1,l2,h2); // unsigned int lf=l1.size(); // int rows_n =(int) (rows+ j*(lf-1)); // int cols_n =(int) (cols + j * ( lf -1)); // finding 2d dwt transform of image using symetric extension algorithm // extension set 3 (eg., int e = 3) vector<int> length; vector<double> output,flag; int j =3; dwt_2d_sym(vec1,j,nm,output,flag,length); double max; vector<int> length2; // algorithm computes dwt of image of given size. convolution , // subsampling operations clear subsampled images of different length // dyadic length images. in order compute "effective" size of dwt additional // calculations. dwt_output_dim_sym(length,length2,j); // length2 gives integer vector contains size of subimages // combine form displayed output image. last 2 entries of length2 gives // size of dwt ( rows_n cols_n) int siz = length2.size(); int rows_n=length2[siz-2]; int cols_n = length2[siz-1]; vector<vector< double> > dwtdisp(rows_n, vector<double>(cols_n)); dispdwt(output,dwtdisp, length ,length2, j); // dispdwt returns 2d object dwtdisp displayed using opencv's image // handling functions vector<vector<double> > dwt_output= dwtdisp; maxval(dwt_output,max);// max value needed take care of overflow happens because // of convolution operations performed on unsigned 8 bit images //displaying scaled image // creating image in opencv iplimage *cvimg; // image used output cvsize imgsize; // size of output image imgsize.width = cols_n; imgsize.height = rows_n; cvimg = cvcreateimage( imgsize, 8, 1 ); // dwt_hold created hold dwt output further operations need // carried out on dwt_output in order display scaled images. vector<vector<double> > dwt_hold(rows_n, vector<double>( cols_n)); dwt_hold = dwt_output; // setting coefficients of created image scaled dwt output values (int = 0; < imgsize.height; i++ ) { (int j = 0; j < imgsize.width; j++ ){ if ( dwt_output[i][j] <= 0.0){ dwt_output[i][j] = 0.0; } if ( <= (length2[0]) && j <= (length2[1]) ) { ((uchar*)(cvimg->imagedata + cvimg->widthstep*i))[j] = (char) ( (dwt_output[i][j] / max) * 255.0); } else { ((uchar*)(cvimg->imagedata + cvimg->widthstep*i))[j] = (char) (dwt_output[i][j]) ; } } } cvnamedwindow( "dwt image", 1 ); // creation of visualisation window cvshowimage( "dwt image", cvimg ); // image visualisation cvwaitkey(); cvdestroywindow("dwt image"); cvsaveimage("dwt.bmp",cvimg); // finding idwt vector<vector<double> > idwt_output(rows, vector<double>(cols)); idwt_2d_sym(output,flag, nm, idwt_output,length); //displaying reconstructed image iplimage *dvimg; cvsize dvsize; // size of output image dvsize.width = idwt_output[0].size(); dvsize.height = idwt_output.size(); cout << idwt_output.size() << idwt_output[0].size() << endl; dvimg = cvcreateimage( dvsize, 8, 1 ); (int = 0; < dvsize.height; i++ ) (int j = 0; j < dvsize.width; j++ ) ((uchar*)(dvimg->imagedata + dvimg->widthstep*i))[j] = (char) (idwt_output[i][j]) ; cvnamedwindow( "reconstructed image", 1 ); // creation of visualisation window cvshowimage( "reconstructed image", dvimg ); // image visualisation cvwaitkey(); cvdestroywindow("reconstructed image"); cvsaveimage("recon.bmp",dvimg); return 0; }
and when compile output success, can shown image of apple
but when want wavelet image pressing enter, crashed, here : unhandled exception @ 0x7736c41f in lab09.exe: microsoft c++ exception: std::length_error @ memory location 0x003bf30c.. break or continue.
please me thanks.
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