prolog - How to loop through a list to create a specific other list -
i need define predicate parses given list looks following:
change([10,-,6], list). //send list = [item(num, 10), item(minus, _), item(num, 6)] //returns this.
i have no idea how check if item in list 'num', or if minus or what...
change([], _). change([h|rest], list) :- "do atom here?" , transform(rest, [item(atom, h) | list] ).
what might like?
since you're applying transformation on each list' element, change/2 should be
change([], []). change([h|rest], [q|list]) :- qualify(h,q) change(rest, list]).
qualify(n, item(num, n)) :- number(n), !. qualify(-, item(minus, _)) :- !. qualify(a, item(atom, a)). % left unspecified, assume else atom...
the change/2 it's maplist, , written as:
change(i, o) :- maplist(qualify, i, o).
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