Powershell - Suppress errors witihn a function (Out-Null) how to get it working -

ive found useful powershell script on site function counting files/folder sizes.

im using because fast , low memory use large files/folders.

the problems when encounters folder doesn't have access output console saying access denied.

exception calling "getfiles" "0" argument(s): "access path 'c:\users\administrator\appdata\local\applicati\ n data' denied." @ line:4 char:37 +         foreach ($f in $dir.getfiles <<<< ())     + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [], methodinvocationexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : dotnetmethodexception 

i know, or think need use |out-null suppress errors, still have script work, cannot figure out or how this, despite multiple attempts.

so heres script if has ideas?

function get-hugedirstats ($directory) {     function go($dir, $stats)     {         foreach ($f in $dir.getfiles())         {             $stats.count++              $stats.size += $f.length         }          foreach ($d in $dir.getdirectories())         {             go $d $stats         }      }     $statistics = new-object psobject -property @{count = 0; size = [long]0 }     go (new-object io.directoryinfo $directory) $statistics     $statistics } $stats = get-hugedirstats c:\users 

you're getting exception directoryinfo object, need use try / catch:

function get-hugedirstats ($directory) {     function go($dir, $stats)     {         try {             foreach ($f in $dir.getfiles())             {                 $stats.count++                  $stats.size += $f.length             }              foreach ($d in $dir.getdirectories())             {                 go $d $stats             }         }          catch [exception] {             # here if need         }     }     $statistics = new-object psobject -property @{count = 0; size = [long]0 }     go (new-object io.directoryinfo $directory) $statistics     $statistics } 

if you're getting errors powershell cmdlets, can use -erroraction silentlycontinue on cmdlet prevent errors printing screen.


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